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Hudson gasped in horror. "Don't joke about such things."

Seb threw his head back and laughed. At that moment, Ethan walked by, plucked the biscuit from Seb's fingers, and tossed it into his mouth. Seb and Hudson protested simultaneously.


Ethan waved a hand cheerfully before returning to the bar.

Hudson pouted miserably. "He ate my biscuit."

"Half of it," Seb corrected, patting his stomach. "I ate the other half."

Hudson folded his arms over his chest and glared up at Seb accusingly. "He gets that from you, you know. Bloody biscuit thieves, the lot of you."

Seb laughed, releasing Hudson when he poked Seb's side. He noticed Seb glance at the table where Hudson's remaining biscuits sat. Seb's grin turned wicked.

"Don't even think about it," Hudson warned, backing up against the table and placing his hands to his sides to cup his biscuits. "Get your own."

Seb's lips curled up, a sinful tug of his mouth that sent Hudson's pulse racing. How was it possible the man grew even more beautiful with age? Several additional silver strands had appeared in his pitch-black hair in the years since they'd met, and a few more laugh lines joined the others at the corners of his eyes. He dressed in a stylish faded green T-shirt that made his eyes stand out even more and emphasized the expanse of his broad chest and shoulders before tapering down to his waist. His black jeans encased powerful thighs and legs, and what Hudson personally knew was an incredible arse. The heavy, black biker boots on Seb's feet probably weighed more than Hudson. Seb exuded strength, yet his heart was capable of a gentleness that could bring Hudson to tears.

Seb stepped up to Hudson, widening his stance so he could get in closer, Hudson's feet between Seb's. Hudson could smell his shower gel--a fruity, minty concoction--mixed with his own masculine scent. Butterflies ap

peared in Hudson's stomach, fluttering wildly as Seb took hold of Hudson's right hand and tenderly pulled it away from the table, his eyes never leaving Hudson's.

"Such a messy little wolf," Seb purred, turning Hudson's hand over. Hudson dropped his gaze to his now-chocolate-covered palm. Bugger. He'd melted the chocolate off his biscuit. Seb lifted Hudson's hand, and Hudson's breath hitched. He wouldn't....

Seb smiled sweetly before running a finger across Hudson's palm. He brought his finger to his mouth and closed his lips around his chocolaty digit before sucking on it. A tremor ran through Hudson, and a small whine escaped him before he could stop it. Seb chuckled. He winked at Hudson before walking away. Swallowing hard, Hudson quickly straightened, relieved no one had been paying them any attention. He grabbed a napkin and cleaned his palm before tossing the napkin in the trash bin at the end of the table. Inhaling deeply, he straightened his cardigan, then let his breath out slowly through his mouth. He was fine. He could do this.

Boisterous cheering and catcalling resounded from the stairs, and Hudson smiled as fellow agents from Unit Alpha arrived, all of whom Hudson knew. Dom and the rest of Seb's team soon followed, along with Beta Ambush, including Trent Carson. Trent looked around the room and smiled at Hudson when he spotted him. Hudson returned his smile.

"Thank you, everyone, for coming tonight."

Dex's announcement caught the room's attention, and everyone quieted, gathering around Dex and Sloane, who stood in front of the bar facing them.

"What's going on?" Ash asked with a wicked grin. "Sloane knock you up already?"

"Ain't you cute," Dex drawled. "No. Next September, on the twenty-third, it'll mark four years since Sloane and I first met. We've decided to make that our wedding day."

The room erupted into cheers, and Hudson joined his friends as they rushed Dex and Sloane. When it was his turn, he gave Dex a big hug. He couldn't help but get all teary-eyed. He was such a sucker when it came to weddings.

"I'm so happy for you both," Hudson said as he pulled away. Dex wiped a tear from his eye before playfully punching him in the shoulder.

"Stop it. You're going to shatter the illusion of what is otherwise an exceptionally cool and composed agent of awesomeness."

Hudson gave him a sly grin. "This from the man who just the other day screamed like a small child over a spider."

"Your memory seems to be failing you, Doctor. It wasn't a spider. It was a hairy, eight-legged mutant beast out to steal my soul right before it sucked my brain out through my nose. It was undoubtedly a minion of that goat hell-beast that attacked me last week."

Hudson looked to Cael for verification of this hell-beast.

"It was a pygmy goat, and it was adorable," Cael said, laughing at his brother's stricken expression.

"It tried to kill me!"

"Kill you, huh?" Cael pulled out his mobile, tapped the screen, then scrolled through his photos until he found what he was looking for. He handed his mobile to Hudson, who let out a bark of laughter. There stood Dex in full tactical gear, holding his tranq rifle, his expression one of horror as a tiny goat in a pink knitted jumper chewed on his shoelace.

Dex put a hand on his chest. "I can't believe you took a picture of me in the midst of such a traumatizing experience."

"You're exaggerating," Cael said, rolling his eyes.

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance