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Chapter 4

HUDSON ARRIVED at Dekatria a little earlier than the time indicated on his invite, as per Dex's request. Destructive Delta was already there, save for Sergeant Maddock, who preferred intimate family get-togethers over boisterous parties filled with "boozed-up, karaoke-singing shenanigans." Hudson couldn't blame him. Maddock had, after all, raised Dex and Cael on his own. He deserved some peace and quiet.

As per usual, Destructive Delta had commandeered the entire second floor of Dekatria, and later in the evening, they would move up to the roof garden as well. Bradley was very generous, graciously closing the bar for their private events. Dex had tried to pay Bradley once, and very handsomely, but Bradley had refused to take his money, stating he didn't need it. He much preferred the company.

Ethan smiled brightly when he saw Hudson and came over to pull him into a huge bearlike embrace, making Hudson chuckle. Ethan was an exceptional hugger.

"Hello, love." Hudson pulled away, noticing Calvin was over by the bar with Dex, helping him pour snacks into giant colorful bowls. "How are things between you and Cal?"

Ethan beamed at him and put his thumbs up.

"I'm so glad." Hudson cleared his throat, his face growing warm. "Is, um, your brother here?"

Ethan shook his head. He tapped his watch and put up both hands, fingers splayed.

"Ten minutes?"

Ethan nodded. He patted Hudson's shoulder before Calvin called him over to help, warning him not to eat more than he put out, then handed Ethan a large bag of some unnaturally orange curled cheese snack. Hudson was tasked with moving the biscuit trays over to the long table at the end of the room, seeing as he was the least likely to eat what he was putting out. Silly buggers. Hudson pilfered a couple of chocolate-and-caramel biscuits when no one was looking. Ooh, the double chocolate biscuits with cherries looked heavenly! He took one of those too, as payment for services rendered. Did they think he'd work for free? He had a biscuit in each hand, and one between his teeth, when he turned and almost ran into someone.

"Shooz me," he mumbled around a mouthful of chocolatey goodness. A low grumble of a chuckle stilled him, and he looked up, eyes going wide.

"Caught red-handed, Lobito." Seb peered at him, amusement lighting his eyes. "Does Dex know he's put the Cookie Monster in charge of his cookies?"

Hudson wrinkled his nose since he couldn't scoff. I don't know what you're talking about.

"I think you need to back away from the table, Dr. Colbourn. Back away slowly," Seb teased, taking hold of the chocolate biscuit poking out of Hudson's mouth. Hudson refused to release it, a low growl rising from his throat. This was his tasty treat. Seb tugged at it, and Hudson narrowed his eyes. Was Seb seriously attempting to take a delicious morsel of food from him? He knew better.

Seb laughed. He snapped the biscuit, then popped it into his mouth. Hudson gasped around his remaining half of biscuit. The fiend! He cursed at Seb, who waggled his eyebrows as he chewed, then let out a decadent moan.

"That was so good."

Hudson put his biscuits on the table and removed the one from his mouth to curse at Seb, but Seb snatched the remaining piece from his hand.

"Oh, you bastard!" Hudson made a grab for the biscuit, but Seb raised his arm high above his head. "You give me that back, you thief!"

"Technically, you thieved it first."

Hudson latched on to Seb's T-shirt with one hand to hold him in place, while stretching to reach his biscuit, except not even standing on his toes could he reach Seb's palm.

"Why are you so blasted tall?" Hudson griped.

Laughing, Seb threw an arm around Hudson's waist and tucked him at his side to make getting the biscuit even harder.

"I don't know. Why are you so adorable?"

"Flattery will get you nowhere," Hudson said with a huff as he pushed at Seb's arm. "Give me my biscuit!"

"Your what?"

"Piss off, Sebastian. It's a biscuit."

"It's a cookie, and there's a whole tray of them," Seb said, motioning to the table, as if he didn't already know Hudson's reply.

"None of them are my biscuit." It was ridiculous, but wolf Therians were very particular about what was theirs, and they did not like having their food thieved. Anyone who attempted to take food from his plate did so at their own risk.

"It's not like I borrowed one of your DVDs and never gave it back."

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance