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"What did you hear?"

"Like, heavy breathing."

"Probably just some joker. If it was someone you knew, their number would have shown up, and if it was an emergency, they would have called HQ or 9-1-1."

Ash was right. Sloane sent Dex a quick text just to make sure he was all right, and seconds later he got a happy face emoji, a heart, the word "later" and two hand emoji's that Sloane was fairly certain hadn't been designed to be used in that context.

Relaxed, Sloane knocked back his fresh pint in a few gulps. It wasn't like they couldn't take a cab home. After everything that had happened recently, this was just what he needed. A break from the crazy. He had no idea how long it would last. With Therians like Moros out there, probably not long. But he'd take what he could get. Sloane finished his beer and bought another round before turning to Ash.

"Dex and I are getting married."

Ash almost choked on his beer. He put down his glass with a sputter, coughing and gasping for air. Sloane chuckled as he patted his back, handing him a napkin with his free hand.

"Are you trying to fucking kill me?" Ash wheezed. He snatched the napkin from Sloane and wiped his mouth. "You couldn't have waited until I didn't have a mouthful of fucking beer?" He cursed under his breath and wiped at his T-shirt.

"Sorry." Sloane bit down on his bottom lip as Ash scrubbed furiously at the stain on his shirt. "You obviously heard what I said or you wouldn't have almost drowned."

"Give me a second to process this shit."

Sloane held back a smile. "Take your time."

"Fuck you," Ash growled, beaning him in the forehead with the balled-up napkin. Sloane supposed he should be happy Ash didn't think to throw something heavier at him. Ash sat there for a second staring at him. "You're getting married."

Sloane nodded. "I am."

"To Dexter J. Fucking Daley."


"Sweet Jesus." Ash didn't move.


Ash wrinkled his nose. His eyes got all glassy, and Sloane blinked at him. "Ash?"

There was a sniff, and Sloane straightened. Wait a second. Was... was Ash--no. That wasn't possible. Was it?

Sloane's brows shot up. "Holy fuck."

"Fuck you, asshole." Ash wiped his eyes and jumped off his stool. He grabbed Sloane, pulled him off his own stool, and brought him into a crushing embrace. "If you tell anyone I cried, including your fucking dickbag fiance, I will smother you both in your sleep. Do you understand me?"

Sloane hummed, and Ash tightened his hug, squeezing the breath out of him and making him laugh.

"Say 'Yes, Ash, I understand that if I tell anyone what I saw, I forfeit both my life and that of my pain-in-the-ass fiance to you.' Say it."


"So help me, I will kill you right here."

Sloane laughed. "Yes, Ash. I understand that if I tell anyone what I saw, I forfeit both my life and that of my beautiful husband-to-be to you."

"Man, you're such a dork. Good enough," Ash grumbled. He pulled back, his gaze warning Sloane not to say one word about his reddened eyes. "Fuck." Before Sloane could say anything, Ash was hugging him again, holding him tight. "I'm so happy for you. Even if it is to Daley, I'm happy for you."

Sloane laughed softly and returned Ash's embrace. "You know you love him too."

"I'm not going to let you ruin this moment. Shut up."


Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance