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"Who is this?" Dex asked into his phone, this time hearing labored breathing. "Hey, buddy, they got hotlines for that sort of thing." A grunt and more labored breathing met his ear, so he hung up, waiting for the guy to call back.

"Dex?" Tony nodded toward his phone. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, just your local perv."

Tony nodded and turned his attention back to Dr. Scotty the Hottie, while Dex lounged on the couch, one arm over the backrest as he observed his family. He'd meant what he said. He would always have his dad's back, and he was okay with Sparks sleeping with Tony. His father was a grown-ass man who could do whatever the hell he pleased. It was all good.

At least until Dex figured out her angle. When he did--and he would--Dex was going to bury her.

Sparks could fuck with him all she wanted, and she had. She'd fucked with him and Sloane and their team, but the moment she fucked with his family, all bets were off. She thought she knew him, and that would work to his advantage.

Dex sank his claws into the couch cushion. In time he would find out what Sparks was up to, and by then he'd be TIN. She was going to train him, break him down, and turn him into one of her weapons. And he was going to let her. Then he would make her regret it. Sonya Sparks was responsible for the operative he was about to become--and for her own downfall. Where his family was concerned, Dex was always ready to go to war.

As if conjured by his thoughts, Sparks appeared in the doorway. It was fun to watch her fur bristle as Tony laughed with the cute doctor. Her cool silver eyes landed on Dex, and he smiled pleasantly, waving a hand at her.

Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.

Chapter 3

"HOW COME you wanted to eat without your dorkier half?" Ash tore another huge chunk out of his Therian-sized burger.

"Hungry?" Sloane laughed when Ash flipped him off. His best friend swallowed, then washed down his food with gulps of beer before replying.

"I'm fucking starving. What kind of cafe just serves healthy shit?"

"The kind that's in a hospital promoting good health."

"We're carnivores, man. Fuck all that salad crap."

Sloane couldn't help his grin. "Now you sound like Dex."

"Speaking of that dweebus, what did he say when he called?"

"He's gonna spend a few more hours with Tony and Cael. They're releasing Tony in a couple of days."

Ash's expression grew somber, and he nodded. He put down his burger and took another gulp of his beer.

"What's on your mind?" Sloane pilfered one of Ash's fries, laughing when Ash arched an eyebrow at him.

"You're such a dick," Ash grumbled, though the amusement in his eyes betrayed him. He wrinkled his nose. "This shit ain't happening again." He pressed his lips together, his gaze on his food. "You should have seen Cael's face when I told him what happened. I won't do that again. I can't."

"We can't control what happens to Tony any more than we can control what happens to us." That clearly wasn't what Ash wanted to hear.

"Well, I'm gonna fucking try." Ash leaned in, his voice a low hiss. "He was crushed, Sloane. It fucking devastated him. Like he hasn't been through enough shit? When Dex got taken by Wolf, it was bad. He wouldn't sleep, wouldn't sit still. He was worrying himself sick. Literally. He kept getting sick. Then I had to tell him his dad had been shot in the fucking chest." His eyes watered, and Sloane was surprised. He'd never seen Ash like this. Ash did not get emotional.

Inhaling deeply, Ash sat back and released his breath slowly. Blinking to clear his eyes, he grabbed his pint, then downed it in three gulps. Ash was crazy about Cael, of that Sloane had no doubt, but to be so in love that Cael's emotional well-being would affect his own like this?

"I had no idea things were that serious between you two."

"Yeah, well...." Ash returned the empty glass to the table and shrugged. "They are."

Growing up, Sloane had felt kind of bad for anyone who fell for Ash. The closest his best friend ever got to loving any of his past girlfriends was showing a mild tolerance. None of his relationships lasted long. They certainly never got past the casual sleeping-together phase. The problem came when someone wanted more, and they always wanted more from Ash. There wasn't one woman who hadn't fallen for the bad boy and then thought she could change him. Ash Keeler changed for no one. He did what he wanted, when he wanted, how he wanted. Anyone who tried to tell him what to do would receive a nice "Fuck you." Then came Cael. Everything changed, and it changed because Ash wanted it to.

A small part of Sloane had worried Cael would end up like the others--the passing fancy of a lion Therian who couldn't seem to find happiness no matter how much he wanted it. Sloane couldn't have been more wrong. For all Ash's rough edges, he was a good man. He deserved someone like Cael to love him and take care of him.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Sloane couldn't help his smile. "I'm just happy for you. You two are great together."

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance