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“It’s me,” Ethan said quietly. “I left my phone at home. Can you come to Seb’s?”

“I’m on my way.”

Ethan hung up and gave Seb back his phone. He got up and sat down on the couch to wait. He felt stupid for running away, but his heart hurt so badly. He hoped Calvin wasn’t disappointed in him. It seemed like all he ever did was bring Calvin trouble.

There was pounding on the door, and Seb quickly answered. He said something to Calvin that Ethan couldn’t hear. Even if he could, he was too busy worrying about what Calvin was thinking.


Calvin rushed into the living room, looking as if he were out of breath. His cheeks were red from the cold, and he looked more vulnerable than Ethan had ever seen him. There was so much he wanted to say, he didn’t even know where to start. So he stood and opened his arms. Calvin didn’t hesitate. He rushed into Ethan’s embrace, and he did his best not to crush Calvin against him. When he could finally speak again, he pulled back.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for running.”

Calvin cupped his face. “I understand, Ethan. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, I just… I knew how much it would hurt you, and with everything else going on at school, at home, I didn’t want you to worry.”

“No more secrets between us, okay?”

“Okay.” Calvin moved his gaze to Ethan’s neck, and he swallowed hard. “Please don’t hurt yourself again. It breaks my heart when you do.”

“I’m sorry.” Ethan covered the sore spot with his hand, and Calvin gently moved it away. He stood on his toes and kissed Ethan’s tattoo.

“You’re beautiful. All of you. Just the way you are.”

“I’d hate to become a burden for you.”

Calvin took Ethan’s hand and led him to the couch. He pulled him down with him as he sat. “Ethan, is your dad a burden for your mom?”

“No, of course not!” Even when she’d been told there was no hope, or that her life would become hell, his mom had stood her ground. She was the most courageous person he knew, next to Calvin. Despite everything his mom and dad had been through, their bond grew stronger. “She loves him more and more every day.”

“It’s been hell for them at times, but they persevered. They’ve stuck together. When your dad hurts, so does your mom, but she never once thought of him as a burden.” Calvin put his thumb to Ethan’s tattoo and stroked his skin. “When you hurt, I hurt, and I’ll do everything to keep you from hurting, because every day I love you more and more.”

Ethan pulled Calvin close and kissed his lips. “Thank you, for being my best friend and my partner. I love you, Cal. I’m sorry it took me so long to say the words, but I do. I love you.”

Calvin’s smile lit up his face, and Ethan had never seen anything more beautiful.

“I love you too.”

Ethan brought Calvin up against him and put a hand to his cheek. How different would his life have been without this amazing man? He’d never take Calvin for granted again. With a smile, he placed his lips to Calvin’s for a kiss, taking his time, enjoying the softness of Calvin’s lips, the taste of him, the way he lit Ethan up from the inside. He made Ethan feel safe and loved. As long as he was in Calvin’s arms, the world couldn’t touch him. He pulled back and nuzzled Calvin’s temple, his words quiet.

“Let’s go home and go to bed.”

Calvin kissed him in response before standing, their fingers laced together. He led Ethan to the door and paused to look behind them. Seb stood in the archway leaning against the wall, his warm smile on them.

“Thanks, Seb,” Calvin said, giving him a wave.

“Anytime.” He gave them a wink. “Stay out of trouble, you two. And lock up behind you.” With that, he turned and left. Ethan’s heart ached for his big brother.

They locked up behind them and headed down to the sidewalk, where Ethan couldn’t help but look up at his big brother’s house. He let out a sigh.

“I wish there was something I could do. I hate seeing him so alone.”

“Yeah,” Calvin replied somberly. “And you know it’s going to get worse when he sees Hudson at Nina and Cael’s birthday party.”

Ethan stopped and turned to Calvin. “What birthday party?”

Calvin chuckled and pulled him along. “Dude, you really need to check your phone calendar more often. They sent out the invites to everyone a week ago. Nina and Cael’s birthdays are a few days apart, right? So they’re celebrating together by booking Dekatria for the night. All three floors. Seb was invited, and obviously Hudson’s going to be there.”

They crossed the street, and Ethan frowned. “That means Rafe’s going to be there too.”

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance