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Cael beamed at him, and Dex told him to move his ass. His brother hopped to it and got dressed in jeans, T-shirt, and sneakers. Less than half an hour later, they were at the hospital. They found Ash’s room and Sloane sitting outside it in his uniform half-asleep. Dex couldn’t wait to get him home. The poor guy looked exhausted. When Sloane saw Dex, he smiled the most beautiful smile Dex had ever seen, and Dex’s heart did a happy dance.

“How is he?” Cael asked, and Sloane’s smile fell away.

“The bullet didn’t hit any vital organs, but he lost a lot of blood. Plus they’d worked him over pretty good, which didn’t help. He’s going to be okay, but he’ll be on leave for a while.”

“Can I go in?” Cael asked hopefully.

“Yeah. Doctor says it’s okay for him to have visitors, but we need to make sure he’s not overwhelmed by it. I’ve asked anyone outside Destructive Delta who wants to visit to come in starting tomorrow. Give him time to rest.” He turned to Dex. “Your dad’s waiting for me to finish debriefing. You mind keeping watch for a few hours?”

“No, of course not.”

Sloane worried his bottom lip before turning Dex away from Cael who was watching Ash through the blinds in the window. “Dex, we need to watch our backs. When Ash woke up, he gave me a name. Beck Hogan. He’s the head of the Coalition, and he’s still out there. We killed his guy, arrested his men, and recovered Ash. I have no doubt he never intended to let Ash walk away. He’s not going to take this lying down.”

“He also knows Ash would take a bullet for Cael.” Dex ran a hand through his hair. “Not to mention we still don’t know who the mole is. Fuck.”

“Yeah. Sparks is concerned, which means this is serious shit. Destructive Delta could be his next target. She’s considering giving us all offsite assignments.”

“Offsite assignments? What’s that mean?”

“It’s all up in the air right now. But it means we’d operate from an undisclosed location on undercover jobs until the risk at HQ is contained. Either way, Sparks will be holding a briefing with Destructive Delta before the end of the week.”

Dex nodded. “Okay. Stay safe.”

“You too.” Sloane leaned into him, his fingers subtly taking hold of Dex’s and giving them a squeeze. “I’ll try to get back as soon as I can. I want some time with you.” With that, he went off, and Dex stepped up to his brother who was still standing at Ash’s window looking in.

“You ready?” Dex asked. “I’ll be out here—”

“No.” Cael turned to Dex, his eyes glassy. “Come in with me?”

“Anything you want.” Dex followed his brother into the private room, closing the door behind them. As Cael approached Ash’s bedside, Dex took a seat on the blue couch next to it. How many times would he be visiting this hospital this year? This time he wasn’t a patient, though his injuries at the time couldn’t compare to Ash’s. The huge Therian looked almost average-sized in the Therian-sized bed. He was pale, his hair a mess, and sported an array of ugly bruises. One eye was purple and swollen, and he was hooked up to an IV among other things.

Cael approached Ash’s bed with such care, it was heartbreaking. He reached out tentatively and put his hand to Ash’s brow. The agent’s eyes fluttered open, and he looked up at Cael. A slow smile crept onto his face.

“I can’t believe you,” Cael said quietly, taking in Ash’s bruised and battered state.

“I’m sorry,” Ash replied hoarsely. “I figured out the mole was someone who interacted with our team on a regular basis which meant they’d know… I couldn’t let them know the truth about you.”

“And what’s that?” Cael asked softly.

“That you mean more to me than anything. I couldn’t let them use you against me.”

Cael sucked in a sharp breath. “What you said—”

“Was all bullshit to keep you away.”

Cael nodded. “Good to know. But that’s not what I was referring to. I meant I can’t believe you took a bullet for me.”

Ash’s next words took Dex aback.

“I’d die for you.”

“I noticed,” Cael replied angrily. “Asshole.”

“Don’t do that.” Ash frowned, casting Dex an accusing glare. “You look like your brother when you do that.”

Dex didn’t get offended. Ash had every right to be pissed at him. Dex hadn’t exactly made his assignment any easier. Ash’s frown fell by the wayside when he turned his head back to Cael.

“Please don’t.” Ash raised a hand to Cael’s cheek and wiped a tear away. “I hate to see you like this.”

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance