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Chapter Eleven


As I’m leaving Félix and Madelaine’s wedding, I’m pissed my brother would have the audacity to show up today. As a matter of fact, today, of all days and threaten Olivia? Seriously?! Then that fuckin’ bodyguard, Mason. The piece of shit allowed this to happen. Where was he when he was supposed to be guarding her? He can be all up Olivia’s ass when I’m around, but the moment she needs him most, he’s missing. Even now, my hands shake from the vicious rage pumping through my body. I crack my neck from side to side and my nostrils flare, thinking about what I’ll do when I get my hands on him. I’ll string him up by his small ass pecker and beat the hell out of him.

Félix agreed Casen will be her bodyguard from now on, but it’s not like it matters. Fuck, even if he tried to stop me, I’d just do it anyway. Olivia is going to be my wife, it’s my job to make sure she’s safe. Sure, it’s her brother’s, too, but I won’t let anyone hurt a hair on her pretty little head. As one of my most trusted men, I know I can count on him to keep her safe at all costs.

The wedding didn’t go how Olivia wanted as far as where she was supposed to be, but Madelaine understood. Félix took some time to explain what happened downstairs, and Madelaine even offered to postpone the wedding for Olivia. It shows how much the girls care for one another.

Olivia sat in the pew with me instead of being up with the rest of the bridal party. Honestly, it made me feel better she was right by my side. I had an arm draped around her shoulders and kept her close, making sure she knows how important she is to me.

God, Ashton tried to hurt her, and I was only right down the hall when it happened. How did this happen? How did something unimaginable get so close to happening? She must’ve opened the wrong door, or not opened the door we were behind. It was something so minuscule, but it was a grave reality check for us all. It further solidifies the fact there are always people around who wish us harm.

The ceremony was simple and wrapped up quickly. Félix and Madelaine looked amazing up there, with the weeping willow trees offering the perfect background. Even the pews we’re sitting in are the perfect deep chestnut color, looking like the bark only a few hundred feet in front of us. Hell, it looked like her dress was a mixture of lace, tie-dye, and tradition. I shouldn’t have expected anything else from a tatted-up, open-minded woman like Madelaine. The minister smiled joyfully and introduced Félix and Madelaine as man and wife, and now we’re all following the bride and groom.

I give Olivia a squeeze and press a kiss to the top of her head. I’m sure she feels horrible about not standing up there with Madelaine, but after what she went through before the ceremony, no one can blame her. Madelaine understands, so everyone else can suck a dick.

I saw the fear and trepidation. Hell, I could taste it in the air surrounding her it’s so thick. We stand as the rest of the bridal party follows the bride and groom out. I let out a heavy breath as I scan the area, looking for my brother. He’s nowhere to be found.

Since I’m with Olivia and don’t plan on letting her out of my sight, Casen went searching for him with a few of Félix’s men. Casen has his own vendetta against Ashton, but I can’t blame him there. My brother raped his sister, and Casen caught him. Ashton’s lucky he got out with his life, but if he intends on fucking around with the woman that’ll be my wife . . . well, it’ll be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Casen might’ve let him go because he’s a Brisbane, but it doesn’t mean he didn’t fuck with him first. Every time my brother looks in the mirror, he will be reminded of Casen’s blade.

I sometimes wish Casen had just ended my brother’s life. It might’ve made everything simpler for everyone. Then again, it might not have. Who knows what my father would’ve done since he was still alive when this happened.

Taking a deep breath, I focus on Olivia. “You okay, sweetheart?” I ask.

Olivia tilts her head back enough to meet my gaze and nods. “I will be, thanks to you,” she whispers, and her words hit me straight in the chest.

“How about after the reception we get out of here, and I take you to the house in Port Sulphur?” I suggest.

Olivia seems to contemplate this before nodding. “I’d like that. A change of pace would be nice, I think.”

“Then that’s what we’ll do,” I announce, offering her a soft smile. She hasn’t seen my house there yet. Casen lives there since he’s in-home help, but it’s large enough so he’ll be on the complete other end. He won’t be able to hear a thing, whether it’s her crying or me sliding my tongue through her folds to relieve some pent-up stress.

I’m looking forward to having Olivia at my house where I can hold her and show her just how safe she is with me. At the same time, I want to kill Ashton with my own two hands for what he did. Hell, now I’m sure she won’t want to progress any further than we already have. The foundation of our relationship isn’t sex, and while it doesn’t need to be, I’d love for us to connect on another level.

During the reception, I dance with Olivia and get her to dance with the others. She’s finally relaxing and enjoying herself again. Though, a couple of drinks sure help to loosen her up.

Madelaine throws her bouquet, and of course, Olivia ends up catching it. Guess this means I can get her to pick a date soon. Not because of the truce between our families and the contract, but because the more time I spend with her, the more I want her to have my last name.

Olivia Brisbane.

It has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?

Fuck, I’ve completely fallen for the woman, and she doesn’t even realize it.

Félix pulls the garter from Madelaine’s thigh, he does it with his teeth, and instead of tossing it to the bachelors, he pockets the damn thing. I have to chuckle at him as he looks at his wife.

Finally, after hours of celebrating, they take off in the back of a limo heading to the hotel where they’re staying for the night. Bright and early tomorrow, they’re taking off for their long honeymoon in France. As a gift, our friend, Leo, also gave Félix the keys to his villa in Italy for them to stay in. Leo’s such a good friend he didn’t even tell him a date he needed to be out. However long Félix and Madelaine need to get some rest and relaxation, they can have.

Glancing at Olivia, I grin. “You ready to head home?” I ask her, more than ready myself to get out of here.

“Yes,” she whispers sweetly.

Nodding, I place a hand on her lower back and guide her out of the reception. We head out to the parking lot and I scan the area, making sure there are no threats before taking her to where my car is parked.

Seeing that it’s clear, I walk her to my car and put her inside.

I get in behind the steering wheel, start the car, and pull out of the parking lot. I am heading in the direction of Port Sulphur. More than ready to be somewhere alone with Olivia for the rest of the night.

After an hour’s drive, I pull into the driveway, put the car in park, and shut the engine off. I get out and round the car to help her out. I guide her up to the house, unlock the door, and step inside with her right in front of me. She sucks in a deep breath as she enters my house and turns to look at me. “I didn’t think you’d have something so . . . put together.” It takes me a minute not to take offense, but given who her brothers are, I’m sure she’d assume all men are messy.

“Not everyone is a savage.” I cock a brow, toying with her a bit. I need to lighten the mood a bit. I’d like nothing more than to strip her dress off and have my wicked way with her, but after her day, I need her to tell me when she’ll be ready for it.

She must read my mind because the next thing I know, she’s stepping toward me until her front is flush with mine. Olivia glides her hands up my chest and wraps them around my neck. A breath hitches, and she stares right into my eyes. “Make love to me, Finn. I want to know what it’s like.”

Tags: E.C. Land Crime