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Chapter Sixteen

Later that night, Shelby sat next to Warrick on the sofa with his arm around her shoulders, watching a movie after dinner, but something kept bothering her that she needed to talk about.


“What, baby?”

“Two guys were watching us today.”

“Which ones?”

“They looked younger.”

“Okay, what about them?”

“They give me a funny feeling.”

Her daddy stiffened. “Like what?”

“They keep asking us questions about how everything works.”

“Maybe they don’t know a lot about computers.”

“No, they do. Some of the questions they ask are pretty in-depth.”

“What do you think they’re up to?”

She looked up at him. “It’s like they’re taking notes.”

He sat up. “Wow, that is concerning. How about if I get you into the tub, and I’ll call Eli.”

“Kinley was going to talk to him,” Shelby said. “We talked about it when the guys had to leave. But they always came back, asking what we’d done when they weren’t there.”

He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Instead of the bath right now, I want you to come into the office. We both might have questions for the two of you.”

She nodded.

He sat in his chair, pulled her down on his lap, and called Eli.

“Hey, I was just about ready to call you. Kinley told me—”

Warrick interrupted him. “Eli, I’ve got you on speakerphone with Shelby. She just told me about the young men. Do you have Kinley with you?”

“Yes. What do you make of it?”

“I say we go with their gut feeling. Can we have some cameras in the office they work at?”

“I can have it ready tomorrow morning.”

“Good. I know they would have been checked out, or they wouldn’t have been able to get in the building,” Warrick said.

“Yeah, but I’ll check into that, too. I asked Kinley if she and Shelby could make things up tomorrow. I don’t want them to know anything else about the project.”

“I don’t either.” Warrick looked at Shelby. “Do they know what you were working on?”

“I’m not sure. We ignored the people, but we talked to each other.”

“Let’s believe they did know. That kind of program would be worth billions of dollars,” Eli said.

Tags: Lila Fox Daddy Erotic