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Being with Holland is bliss. I’m convinced her body was made just for me. My hips surge forward until I’m buried inside of her. So deep, I don’t know where she starts and I end, and it’s fucking heaven.

Her tiny hands are fisted in the sheets, and each time I withdraw and slam back into her tight body, they squeeze until her knuckles are white from how hard she’s grasping them.

“Reed, more, please,” she pleads.

My hands grip her waist harder as I power into her, my thrusts brutal and deeper each time. I reach down between us to rub her clit. I need to get her there, need her to fall apart on my cock. Every time my hips slap against her ass, white hot pleasure shoots down my spine.

“Come, Holland, come on my cock,” I whisper hoarsely. I can’t last another fucking second with her squeezing my cock this way and I can’t go unless she’s with me.

A few more rough swipes of my thumb, and she’s moaning my name. The sweetest sound in the goddamn world, exploding around me. Her pussy tightens, and that’s all it takes to send me over the edge. I fall with her, burying myself deep and coming inside of her. I come so hard that black spots cloud my vision. I lean forward, my body folding over hers, and kiss a path up her spine. Fuck, I can feel us spilling from her, and it’s the hottest thing I’ve ever felt.

I’ve never been with anyone without protection. Another first with Holland.

She sways slightly, so I pull out of her gently, then sit back to look at her. I can’t help it. The sight of my cum sliding out of her is almost enough to make me hard again.

This girl has fucking ruined me. Without a doubt.

I get up, walk to the bathroom and grab a rag. After wetting it with warm water, I join her back on the bed and gently clean her up. She sighs contently and cuddles into the covers. I toss the rag into the laundry bin and pull the covers over us, sliding in next to her.

I wrap her in my arms, and she burrows into the crook of my neck, her fingers absentmindedly fingering my beard.

“I have to pick Evan up tomorrow afternoon, but I want to take you somewhere in the morning. We’re rescheduling the aquarium so Emery can be there whYou down?” I ask.

Holland looks up at me with sleepy, sated eyes and nods. “Where?”

I smirk. “Wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, would it?”

“Just as long as I can sleep past eight. I haven’t slept in, in so long.”

Leaning down, I kiss her, soft and sweet. “Get some sleep, babe. I’ll go for a run in the morning, and I won’t wake you.”

She murmurs sleepily, but the next thing I know, she’s snoring. A light, cute as fuck snore, and I laugh. Holland Parker is wrecking me, and I have no intention of stopping it.

I can’t remember the last time I slept so peacefully. I didn’t wake up once until the sunlight streamed into the windows in my bedroom. Usually, I’m up before the sun and get a run or a workout in with a protein shake. Today, I slept in with Holland and I don’t regret a single second of it. She’s fast asleep in my arms, tucked tightly against my body.

The morning sun casts a warm, orange glow on her already perfect skin. I stay like this, propped up on my elbow, watching the steady rise and fall of her chest as she sleeps. Her dark lashes fanned out on her cheeks, her pouty, plump rose-colored lips completely free of makeup. Her skin is flawless, and she’s beautiful. I could watch her sleep all day, but I want to take her somewhere today and I don’t have long to do it.

My lips brush against the warm, sun-kissed skin of her shoulder. After a few times, she begins to stir, a sleepy groan leaving her lush lips.

“Good morning, beautiful,” I say, my hands sliding tighter around her stomach.

“Mmm, good morning.”

She looks back over her shoulder at me and gives me a sleepy smile.

“Did you sleep well?”

“Yes. This bed is amazing. I could sleep here every night, it’s like a cloud.”

I could too, I think, but keep the thought to myself. She asked for casual, but every day I find it harder and harder to be anything but all-in.

“I’m going to go make a smoothie and take a quick shower. I want to leave in the next hour. Think we can make it happen?” I ask.

She nods against my arm, but makes no move to get up.

I laugh and kiss her behind the ear. “Get that sweet ass up.”

“I’m sorry, this bed. It’s heavenly.”

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance