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I lost my head tonight.Hearing Holland tell me she was on a blind date with that douchebag, I left all rational thought at home when I showed up at that club. Fuck, I don’t know what I thought I was going to do by going there or what I thought I would accomplish, but that’s the point. I didn’t think.

Just imagining his hands on her, it drove me fuckinginsane.I don’t think I’ve ever felt like that about a woman, on the brink of insanity, just at the thought of someone else touching her. Fuck, even just looking at her.

The thought still makes me want to put my fist through something. The problem with all of this, me being jealous or possessive over Holland, is that it isn’t in our rules.

"I’m still mad at you,” Holland mutters grumpily, but her words lack conviction. She’s laid out on my bed, wearing one of my t-shirts that hangs down to her thighs. Her face is bare, her hair is in a messy knot on the top of her head, and honestly, I’ve never seen her more beautiful.

There’s something about seeing her inmyclothes that makes me dizzy with lust. Maybe it’s the possessiveness I feel inside of me tonight. I want to see her in nothing but my shirt from here on out and I’ll be happy. After the club, we came home and got ready for bed, and I gave her space. I didn’t want to push it after what happened. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and threw on an old pair of sweats while I waited for her to finish in the guest bathroom.

“I’m sorry, babe, can I make it up to you?" I grin. I am sorry that I acted the way I did, and I don’t have an excuse for it, except that she makes me crazy.

“Hmmm.” She bites her lip and pretends to think on the idea.

Instead of waiting for her answer, I drop to the floor in front of her and grasp her hips, pulling her to the end of the bed. She squeals as I nip at the inside of her thigh.

“I have an idea of exactly how I’m going to make it better.” I pull her panties down her hips, dragging them down her thighs. Her pretty, rosy pussy glistens, waiting for me to make it stop aching. “How about this?” I take a long, slow lick of her from her opening to her clit, then nibble on the greedy little nub.

The soft skin of her thighs is red and angry from my beard brushing against it. The idea that I’ve marked her in some way makes me even harder.

“Reed,” she moans, threading her fingers in my hair and yanking when I take lazy swipes, “more.”

“I love when you get bossy.” I grin against her pussy before pulling back to look up at her. “Touch yourself.”

She looks at me like I’m crazy. “What? Don’t stop.”

“I want you to touch yourself, and I want to watch.” I pull her fingers down to her pussy, over her clit. “You know how many times I’ve fantasized about this since I picked you up from that sorority house? How many times I’ve come on my fucking fist dreaming about watching you make yourself come with my name on your lips.”

Holland bites her lip nervously, but doesn’t remove her hand. “Only… Only if you make yourself come too.”

My shy girl. She’s so damn sweet. I’m addicted to her. Every goddamn part.

I yank my sweats down then free my straining cock from the confines of my briefs. Holland’s gaze narrows, her eyes zeroing in on my fist, and her little pink tongue darts out to wet her lips.

“Rub your clit. Slow, light circles. Like my tongue is flicking over it,” I tell her.

Her gaze darkens, but she does as she’s told. Using two fingers, she works her clit slowly, holding my eyes.

“Good girl,” I say hoarsely, “keep going.”

I fist my cock, pumping it in sync with her hand. Slow strokes. When Holland’s hand speeds up and her breath quickens, I can tell she’s close, so I step forward and drag my cock through her folds, coating myself with her slickness.

“You’re dripping all over me, baby, did you like that? Me watching you? Telling you what I wanted you to do?”

She nods.

“On your knees.”

At first I was worried she wouldn’t want things to be like this between us, but her body tells me everything I need to know. Holland loves this shit, just as much as I do, and I hope her trust in me allows me to take her body to a new place. So that when this “arrangement” is over, she’ll remember me. Remember that no one can bring her the pleasure that I can.

Holland flips over, tossing her long blonde hair over her shoulder to look back at me. I spread her knees and glide my hand from her ass, up the base of her spine, all the way to the back of her neck, where I push her slightly forward onto the bed. Her cheek’s pressed against the mattress, and she looks back at me with a small smirk.

With one hand on the back of her neck, one hand grasping the soft flesh of her hips, I grind my cock against her center. She greedily pushes back against me, trying to create friction to ease the ache.

Don’t worry, baby, I’ll give you what you want. We’re both on edge, even more so after the show she put on, and I can’t wait to sink inside of her. After tonight, I have so many thoughts roaring through my head, ones that I can’t seem to ignore. The possessive, caveman kind that tell me to claim Holland as mine, even though I know that can’t happen.

I line my cock up with her entrance and push inside, slowly, savoring the feel of how wet and tight she is wrapped around me as I ease into her body.

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance