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I use my fingers to part her, opening her up so I can admire every inch of her. Starting with the sensitive little nub of her clit. When I place my finger on it and rub gently, her hands come down to fist in my hair.

“Oh,” She breathes. Simple, but the way the word tumbles from her lips, it’s the most erotic thing I’ve ever heard. I lightly tease her clit with my finger and then trail it down, replacing my pointer with my thumb and then slowly sliding my finger inside her. She’s so fucking tight, her pussy is clamped down on me and I bite back a curse.

So tight, and wet, I fuck her with my fingers. Slowly. Taking my time to savor this moment.

Hooking my finger up, I rub along the spot that makes her back bow from the bed, and her hands in my hair yank furiously.

“Reed, God, more,” she pants, and I give her more.

I add a second finger, and rub her clit in sync.

“That’s it, Holland, let go, I want to feel you come on my hand.”

When the words leave my mouth, she squeezes her eyes shut and stops fighting. Her hands fist my hair roughly, and she rides my hand. Completely wild and unashamed. She comes so hard her entire body trembles with pleasure, her pussy clenches tightly around my fingers and her moan echoes around the edges of the room. I bring my free hand up to cover her mouth, and now the sounds vibrate against my hand.

I’m so goddamn hard I feel like I might bust through my sweats.

Once her body has gone slack and she’s slowly letting go of my hair, I remove my hand from her mouth and her cheeks redden.

“Don’t be embarrassed, baby, that was fucking amazing,” I tell her. I pull my fingers from her pussy and bring them to my mouth, sucking the taste of her from them, and her eyes widen in shock.

“You taste amazing, and next time? I’m worshipping your pussy with my fingers and my mouth.”

“Oh my God,” she breathes, “did this really just happen?”

“It did, and if I have it my way, it’s going to happen again. Over and over.”

We crossed the line tonight, and now… we can never go back.

And I have no intention of ever trying to.

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance