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Shit, starting with the hard stuff right off the top.

I scratch my beard. “Probably Captain Crunch.”

“You know, for a professional athlete with more muscles than anyone I’ve ever met, you eat a lot of sugar. I bet that drives Liam nuts.”

My best friend hates sugar with every fiber of his being. So much so that he doesn’t allow it in the house, except now that he has Juliet, she’s changed the rules a little.

“Yeah, well, I’m a big guy, I need sustenance and not from fucking kale. That shit is gross.”

She nods in agreement. “You’re right. It tastes like a musty sock.”

That makes me chuckle and then I decide to push her limits. Pull her out of her comfort zone. “What turns you on?”

My question catches her off guard, and she fidgets with the bag of candy in her hands. “Uh, I don’t know.”

“Yes, you do. C’mon, Holl. You want this between us? I want to know what you like, what turns you on.” I lean closer until I can feel her hot breath against my lips, and then grin when she sucks in a sharp breath. “I want to know how I can make you light up, how I can make you come with my name on your lips.”

She whispers hoarsely, “Kiss me.”

My lips are on hers in the next breath, and together, we’re fumbling to get her into my lap. I feel like I’ll starve if I wait another second.Fucking covers.Finally, she’s seated on me without ever breaking free from our kiss. Her hips jerk as she writhes against me, and I’m two seconds from losing it.

Her skin is hot and silky beneath my touch as my hands slide up her hips to her rib cage. Things are getting heated, fast. She’s rocking against me, panting against my lips. Our movements are desperate, unhinged. Both of us coming together in a frenzy.

I’m going to fucking regret this, I know I am. But I’m a good guy and I respect her.

I tear my lips from hers and say her name roughly, “Holland, wait.”

She immediately pulls back like cold water has been thrown on her, freezing in my lap.

My hands slide up her jaw to keep her looking at me. “Don’t get lost in your head. I just want you to be sure that this is what you want. I don’t want you to feel pressured.”

“I don’t feel pressured, but you’re right. Maybe we should take baby steps. I just… I want this.”

I nod. “I do too, babe. Let’s just do like you said, baby steps. Slow and steady.”

I say the words, knowing I’ve never done anything small in my life, but I’m willing to try for Holland.

“How about we try this…” I lay her down on the bed before me and drop a light kiss against her collarbone. Then one to the swell of her breast peeking out from her tank top. Each time my lips connect with her skin, she gasps, a soft airy sound that makes me want to shove my fucking foot in my mouth for stopping earlier.

My fingers slide up her calves, to the inside of her thighs, drawing small circles on the tender flesh. Her muscles are taut. I can feel the hesitation in her body, and I want to make it disappear.

I look up at her from my position and ask, “Is this okay?”

She nods her head fervently, and I continue to trail my fingers upward until they brush against her pussy. The lightest of movements and her body responds eagerly, and if I didn’t know it before, I know now… being with Holland is going to be a game changer. She’s so responsive, and so pliant from my touch, it drives me insane.

This time, my fingers brush against her pussy, causing her to hiss.

“Is this okay?” I ask.

“Yes.” Her voice is low and sultry, a raspy whisper.

I drag the sleep shorts down her hips, revealing a pair of lacy pink panties that almost make me want to fucking weep. Light pink and tiny, barely covering her slit. I don’t ever think I’ve wanted something so badly. Not the way I want Holland.

Our eyes connect and her stormy blue irises seem hazy with lust, just the same as I’m feeling. Sliding my fingers under the thin strap of the lacy fabric, I hook them and pull them down past her hips and feet and toss them to the side.

Fuck, she’s perfect.

My fingers explore her rosy, glistening pussy. Pink and pouty and perfect. I can’t wait to put my mouth on her and taste her, but I want to go slow and give her time to get used to the fact that this will be happening… a lot. I plan to spend every free moment I have worshipping her. Because a woman like Holland deserves to be worshipped.

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance