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"Me and Evan had a Nerf gun war. It wasamazing." She squeals. She's grinning from ear to ear, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy as fuck to see her so happy. It's been a long time since I've seen my sister smile like this. And the fact that it's Evan who's making her smile?

Icing on the cake.

I grin and toss my bag on the floor and kick off my shoes. "Bet he whipped your ass, huh?"

Her eyes roll and she prances over to the couch where she flops back down. "I let him win. It was so much fun, Reed. Seriously, I had a blast. He laughed so much."

"He's a great kid. I hate that he's going through so much. I can't imagine losing Ma."

Emery nods.

"I heard about Holl coming on the road with you. You better not be a dick to her." Her expression is stone, and I almost laugh.

Emery’s pint-sized, five years younger, and weighs a third of what I do, but if I’m honest, my baby sister is a ball-buster, and she won’t hesitate to beat my ass, especially when it comes to her best friend. She crosses her arms over her chest and narrows her eyes at me.

My eyes narrow, offended. "I am the nicest brother you have, Emery."

A throw pillow comes flying at my face.

"You're the only brother I have, dipshit. I'm serious. No weird Reed shit, and be a gentleman."

"Why the third-degree, Em? We're helping each other out. Don't make it something it isn't."

Even as I say it, the words feel bitter on my tongue. The truth is, I want Holland and I wish there wasn't every obstacle in the damn world standing in my way.

Emery stands from the couch and walks over to me. "Reed, she's the most important person in my life. I just don't want something to happen and for me to lose her. All I have is you, mom and Holland."

Guilt sets in.

"Look, baby sis, everything's fine. No need to worry. I'll be on my best behavior. Now, I have to be up at the ass crack of dawn to head out. Text me when you make it home? And don't forget."

She looks like she has more to say, but nods and grabs her purse from the side table.

"Love you, dickhead."

"Love you, brat."

The front door shuts quietly behind her; seconds later, I hear the sound of her engine starting then her driving away.

Things are about to get even more complicated, but what’s life without a little complication?

Or at least that’s what I keep telling myself.

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance