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"That was a cheap fucking shot, asshole."I grunt, using the back of my glove to wipe away the sweat on my brow.

"Pass the damn puck then." Ledger grins.

Fuck, it feels good to be back on the ice. The one place where I seem to not fuck anything up. When my blade hits the ice, it's like everything fades away. I feel on top of the goddamn world, and it's a feeling that I'll never stop chasing. The high that hockey gives me.

The past few days have been a whirlwind, and I still can't believe Holland is going to come on the road with me. Or the almost kiss that happened. Was it a little crazy? Yeah. Is it probably a bad idea to be in such close proximity with the girl who is suddenly making my dick hard just by opening her mouth... absofuckinglutely, but it's done.

I couldn't leave Evan home with a stranger, and I wasn't even going to entertain the idea. Not after Holland agreed to help me out. Maybe next year, when he’s more comfortable with me in general.

Shit's rocky. He's hesitant around me, and still trying to understand what's happening, but I'm doing the best I can. Neither of us know what we're doing, but somehow... we're doing it together.

"Davidson, you gonna play fucking hockey or you going to daydream?" Coach bellows, pulling me from my thoughts.

Shit. I gotta get my head out of my ass. I skate back toward the center, and flick the puck around the end of my stick.

The rest of practice flies by. Being center for the best hockey team in the country means that this is my fucking show. There's no room for fucking off or mistakes. It's my job to score, and to make sure that we take home the cup this year. Hockey is my life, and even though my world's just been flipped upside down, it's my constant. Just like it's always been.

I step off the ice and rip my gloves off, tossing them on the bench in the box.

We're leaving tomorrow and that means that the next three days will be spent with Evan and Holland. I booked a separate room for Holland and a suite, so Evan would have his own space, but fuck, I'm nervous about being alone... with Holland. Because I want to be alone with Holland, and the things I want to do with her are things that can never happen.

"What's up with you tonight?" Hudson asks. He's our goalie, and one of my best friends. Most of us get along pretty well, but I’m closest to Graham, Briggs, Hudson, and Asher. Minus Liam, but he's coaching for a high school team now, so I don’t get to see him as much as I did when he was coaching the Avalanche.

Briggs walks out of the showers with a towel around his hips. "Your head wasn't there tonight. Surprised Coach didn't make you run drills."

"Fucking got so much shit going on," I say as I pull a fresh t-shirt from my bag. "You know Holland? Emery's friend. The one who's lived next to Ma since we were kids?"

Briggs nods.

"I asked her to come on the road and help out with Evan during games and practice."

"Okay, and?"

I pause, raking my hands through my hair. "I just never really noticed her until recently. Like really fucking noticed her. She's gorgeous and I don't trust my dick when it’s in the same vicinity as her."

I feel guilty for even thinking about it, let alone being this affected by her.

"Dude, Emery would literally break your limbs. She's weird like that. That's your little sister's best friend, if there was ever someone who was off-limits to you, it's her. Don't go there," Graham mutters. "I don't even know Emery that well and I know she's four-foot-eleven of pure violence." He shudders.

Slamming my locker shut, I hoist my bag up onto my shoulder and grab my stick. "I'm not. The fucking problem is that I know that, but my dick hasn't gotten the memo…” I trail off.

“She’s just… I don’t know, different. I know I shouldn’t, I fucking know, but it doesn’t mean that I’m not.”

"You know that Em will cut your dick off."

He's right. Emery would lose her mind if she thought there was anything suspicious going on between Holland and me. Not that there is, but I've seen how Holland blushes profusely when I've teased her, or she leans in the smallest amount whenever I'm close. After the other day at her house, in the basement when I almost gave in and kissed the fuck out of her, the last thing I need to do is put myself in the position of being alone with her.

This is a bad idea. I know it, Briggs knows it, hell, anyone who knows my sister and the tiny terror that she is... knows it.

Not like my life wasn't already a total shitshow and as complicated as it could possibly be, inheriting my dead sister's kid, whom I've never met and who wants absolutely nothing to do with me. Let's throw in having the hots for my sister's best friend.

I groan and look up at the ceiling. "I'm completely fucked."

After practice, I head home and walk in the door just after nine. Tonight was particularly grueling, since I took a few days off to be with Evan. As soon as I shut the door behind me, Emery bounces into the entryway, way too fucking hyper.

"Holy shit." I laugh, grabbing the wall to keep upright.

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance