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He nods. “Without a doubt. You’re a natural. Not saying it will be easy, but think of it this way. You have a strong support system. You have me and Juliet, and Ari and Kennedy would love to meet him. Your mom. Your sister. You have people who wouldn’t bat an eye if you called them for help. I don’t know, man, no one can decide for you. It’s scary and it’s a lot thrown on you at once, but I know that you’ll make the right decision.”

I take another sip of my beer before nodding. After talking to Ma and Emery and now Liam… I feel like I have their support if I do decide to take Evan.

“I’m gonna do some soul searching tonight before I call her back. Things been okay with you and the girls?”

Liam smiles. “Well... I guess this is as good a time as any, seeing how my wife is bursting at the seams.”

He picks up his phone and scrolls for a second then turns the phone toward me.

On the screen is a picture of… an ultrasound?

"Wait.” I squint and lean forward to get a better look. “Is Julietpregnant?”

Liam grins, and it lights up his entire face. “Holy shit! Congrats, man.”

I leap from the chair, and he stands, hugging me. I slap my hand on his back in congratulations.

“Damn, daddy times three. How does it feel?”

He shakes his head. “Honestly? Fucking good, man. I’m happy. We weren’t trying but not preventing either.” He shrugs. “I can’t wait to tell the girls. They’re going to be so excited.”

“Hope it’s a boy?” I ask. Having two girls, he needs a guy in the house to be on his team every now and then.

“Yeah, but at the end of the day, I want a healthy baby and a healthy wife. That’s all that matters.”

I came over here for advice, and Liam gave it. Even if he didn’t say anything out loud, the happiness and love that you feel when you step over the threshold and the genuine elation written on his face at the mention of his family, tells me everything I need to know.

My decision just became a whole lot easier.

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance