Page 39 of The Power of Fate

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“Ewan, finish packing, so there are no delays. I want to leave at precisely one o’clock,” I say, impatiently pulling out my pocket watch.

“Aye, sir. But, if ye don’t mind me askin’, why the sudden change in yer demeanor? Not an hour ago, ye were hummin’ happy tunes from the homeland like a wee lad who just got his first kiss. Now yer acting as if ye whacked yer thumb wi’ a bloody hammer.”

I stop my pacing and turn to him. The questioning look on his face should make me laugh, but Ella’s sudden change in mood earlier today has me on edge, unwilling to even crack a smile.

“I apologize. I did’na mean to be so curt. I’m concerned about my father, I’ve got a full week of travel ahead o’ me, I am now a married man, and my lovely wife has turned from a starry-eyed lass to an uninterested snob. I honestly don’t know what happened. She seemed damned well pleased to see me when I entered her chamber earlier, but it all turned off when I told her of all the riding trails she and Willow would enjoy at Galloway and that she’d even have a few places to set up challenge courses. One would think that would make her happy.” I finish my rant with my arms thrown into the air as I restart the pacing that has taken over my life.

“Oh, I see. So, it’s easy fer me to assume Lady Stewart enjoyed her first evenin’ as yer wife, am I correct?”

“Aye. Verra’ much so.”

“Weel, I doubt she was expectin’ whatever it was ye gave her, and it’s easy fer the lasses to attach affection to pleasure. In certain situations, that can complicate things. But here, the will o’ yer bride will’na be swayed wi’out a fight.”

“What the bloody hell are ye trying to say, Ewan? Yer damned philosophy comes out in riddles sometimes, ye know?”

“’Tis true, m’lord. I can’na disagree. What I’m trying to say is yer wife will’na be the first one professin’ her love. She’ll be guardin’ that wee trinket wi’ her life.”

“So yer saying Ella has fallen in love with me?” For a brief moment, I imagine her saying the words and meaning them. My heart beats faster as a sense of joy and comfort comes over me. The feeling reminds me of the vision I had last night of the young woman by the water’s edge. I have a sudden urge to see Ella, to be near her, to reassure myself that everything is alright. Perhaps read her through the eyes of a poet, not of a skeptic.

“Oh, aye. She likely has been long before now. She’s only just now realizing it.”

Why does that make me so profoundly happy?

“You, on the other hand, fell in love wi’ her the first night ye found her sneakin’ around the garden.”

My head snaps toward him, brows drawn as I disagree. “I beg yer pardon, Ewan. I think yer getting ahead of yerself.”

“No. I’m not. These things are easy to see from the outside lookin’ in, m’lord. But do’na fash yerself. Ye married her yesterday. Think o’ all the unlucky bastards of yer ilk that had no say-so in who they marry and ended up wi’ some beastly-looking lass wi’ bad teeth and smelly parts.”

“Bloody Christ, Ewan! I’ll stick wi’ being in love wi’ my wife if ye promise to go no further.”

“I’m only speaking the truth. Did ye see yer neighbor, the viscount’s wife? One o’ the staff said it was an arranged marriage. Poor fella did’na have a choice. ’Tis a curious thing, m’lord, because they also said she may be wi’ child, an’ I can’t help but wonder how he was able to get a cock stand to do the job. I can assure ye that Fergus would’na wake up to perform for that woman.”

“Who’s Fergus?”

“Aye. Et’s what I named my cock.”

“Ewan. Please finish packing. I’m going to find my wife.”

I don’t bother requesting Ewan leave my office. I take the liberty of exiting before I have to hear more information I’d rather do without. Though, I cannot stop the quiet laugh that escapes as I make my way down the hall. If ever there was a man that would name his cock, it’d be Ewan.

Feeling slightly winded after climbing two flights of stairs, I approach Ella’s bedchamber. I don’t hear any voices inside, so I assume she is alone. My stomach swirls with unfeigned excitement as I lightly tap on her door.

“Come in.” The directive is distant and muffled. When I enter the room, I find her seated on the opposite side by the largest window overlooking the courtyard. She’s surprised to see me but not displeased. I must admit, it makes me happy, but the deepening color in her cheeks as I approach is making my fingers twitch with wanting to touch her and my mouth water with the need to taste her.

“Hello, my dear. How was yer visit with yer parents? I know that must have been difficult.”

“It was. I am sad to be leaving, more for them than for me, I think. But it eases my heart to know they have each other.” She pauses and looks away. The disconnect from earlier is still there, yet now I see it as a forced maneuver and not the haughty disinterest from our early days.

“Ella.” Her eyes meet mine, sparkling blue in the light. “Give me yer hand.” She hesitates, no doubt skeptical of the tone in my voice, but waits only a few seconds more before placing her delicate fingers on mine. I give her a gentle tug. “Stand up.” And she does.

I hold on to her hand and take a moment to gaze upon her exquisite face highlighted by the bright sunshine.

“Is everything alright, my lord?” she asks, nervously, as I pull her closer.

“No. But it will be.” My hand comes up to cradle the side of her head, thumb gliding across her soft cheek. Those seductive lips part and I feel my cock jump with a surge of arousal. “I can’t seem to do anything but think about you. And now that yer standing before me, even lovelier than the last time I saw ye, all I want is my mouth on yers, tasting yer lips, full and sweet. Kissing ye slow and gentle before I devour yer moans like a starved beast that knows no bounds.” Her breath hitches. “Would ye like that?”

Tags: Alison E. Steuart Erotic