Page 38 of The Power of Fate

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“That is preposterous, Mary Elizabeth.”

“Hmm, the use of my middle name says otherwise.” Her retort accompanies a sly smirk. “And the fact that you still won’t tell me the details of your introduction to Lord Stewart tells me there is far more between the two of you than you are willing to admit.” Thankfully, she doesn’t press that subject. Reaching over to take my hand, she finishes, “Ella, if you are in love with your husband, it honestly eases my mind. It makes me happy to know that you will be happy in your new life. We can write to each other all the time, and you can brighten my days with stories of your loving marriage. You know how much I love romance. I still read Mr. Burns at least once a day.Oh, my love is like a red, red rose that’s newly sprung in June / Oh, my love is like a melody that’s sweetly played in tune…”

“You do know that it is written with a rather pronounced brogue, don’t you? I believe that’s what made it so popular.”

“Yes, of course I know that! And I’ve tried to read it the way it was intended, and I simply sound ridiculous. Therefore, I don’t do it. The words are still just as lovely in proper English.”

“Indeed.” I don’t say more as I look down at my hands fiddling with the lace of my gown.

“What is it?” Mary asks.

“I’m going to live in Scotland now, and I fear being a complete outsider; the only person to speak with a proper English accent. What if nobody likes me?” My head drops as my throat tightens with emotion.

“Ella, don’t do that to yourself. I happen to know how endearing you are, so stop giving yourself more reasons to be sad. Truth be known, Galloway Castle will never be the same after you enchant it with your charm. Everyone will love you, not to mention every deer, rabbit, bird, and butterfly within thirty kilometers will likely be there to greet you for the sunrise every day!”

To that facetious comment, we both laugh as I think about how grateful I am to have such a wonderful friend. “I’m going to miss you so much, Mary.”

“Well, I’ve already cried enough tears over you leaving, so please don’t get me started again. I will be up to visit before you know it, and maybe I’ll finally find a man I want to marry. And when I do, he and Alasdair will become fast friends, and we can all live happily ever after!”

“That sounds perfect! Now I have something to look forward to.”

I don’t let Mary see the tear that slipped away as we hug farewell. I don’t say more about my feelings for Alasdair and how they scare me. I simply let her know that everything will be fine, and in my heart, I can only pray it will be so.

Tags: Alison E. Steuart Erotic