Page 30 of Melting Wynter

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“Tell you what, let’s both go.”

“Deal.” Reece grabs the keys off the hook by the door and we head toward the elevator. The girls walk, or more like stumble, through the front door as the doors open to the lobby. They look like they’re in rough shape for sure. Addison isn’t lying, she’s dragging a slumped Wynter along.

When she sees us her eyes light up, knowing she’s about to have help. My shoulders are tense as I look at Wynter. Did I cause this? Did she go out looking like this to dance the night away and forget about me? That thought hits me hard and I clench my fists at my sides.

Walking the few steps to them, my eyes find Addison’s. “Here, let me grab her.”

Leaning down, I put one arm behind Wynter’s knees and the other supports her back as I lift her bridal style making sure her ass isn’t hanging out. “No.” She whispers, but I ignore her.

“Shhh. I’ve got you.” I whisper back.

Addison stretches her back, making it obvious she’s been waiting for a while to do it.

Turning around without another word, I march toward the elevator. Reece walks a bit ahead of me and hits the button.

My eyes wander over Wynter’s face and I can’t help but notice the dried tears. Maybe she’s as lost in this whirlwind as I am, thinking she went out to drink and forget tonight is a hard pill to swallow. I don’t want her to forget what happened earlier. I want her to remember it all. Remember everything.

My addiction to her grows daily. Every side. Kind Wynter, Queen Wynter, Emotional Wynter, even drunk Wynter is adorable. She makes me want to be there for her. To let myself become a part of the mess, her mess. I want to be part of the people who care for her, love her, comfort her, hear her laugh, share her pain. I’d never want for anything else.

Addison opens the door to the apartment, and I carry Wynter over to the couch, sitting down. I don’t want to let her go. I want to hold her, be her strong comfort in the waves of her emotions. She isn’t coherent, but somehow I want her to know that I’m here when she needs me to be.

Addison speaks up first. “Let me go grab some sheets and set her up in the other bedroom.”

A low growl seeps out between my lips.What the hell was that?

“Wynter is staying with me tonight. She needs me and I’m not about to let her be alone.” Addy nods once, seeming to understand my need to care for the woman in my arms.

A slight snore slips from Wyn’s lips as she nuzzles into my arms, and I know she needs her rest. I stand up, saying goodnight to my friends.

Making my way down the hallway, I let all the thoughts that have been crushing my mind evaporate into thin air. She’s here in my arms and safe. It doesn’t matter who she’s been with tonight, at least she’s home. I can physically touch her. Feel her body warmth against my skin.

Slowly, I approach my door, push it open, and enter.

Walking to the bed, I lower her body onto it, depositing her into the soft sheets. Her scent assaults my nostrils the second I get close to her skin and I can’t help but inhale. Wild berries and vanilla, reminding me of strawberry pound cake. Something deliciously sweet.

I never want to stop smelling her. I can almost taste the smell on the tip of my tongue.

I take a step back looking at her spread out on my bed like perfection. Her dress bunches up right below where I want to be. She still has her shoes on. Sparkling like fucking diamonds. I lift each foot carefully removing her heels and placing them on the floor.How does she even walk in these death traps?

Running my fingers up her leg, I feel the softness of her skin. I probably shouldn’t be doing this while she sleeps, but I can’t help it. Her breathing is steady, even. She’s asleep at this point. Oblivious to me being in the same room with her and I don’t feel any tension for once.

Trailing my eyes up her body, I stop when I get to her face. Taking my time to look at every single freckle and blemish that she’s tried to cover with makeup. Each lash is painted black, a stark contrast to the cheeks they lay against. Red lipstick highlights the pouty lips that open so beautifully for me.

She looks vulnerable as she sleeps like she’s at peace with the world. She’s not worried about being Wynter the editor or Wynter, heir to the Carlisle fortune, she’s just a normal woman.

Reaching out, my fingers brush against her beautiful, soft skin. She’s slightly cold so I grab a blanket and throw it over her as she sleeps above the sheets. I can’t resist the urge to touch her.

The desire to lean down and overtake her mouth overwhelms me. My lips caress her forehead as they make contact. I want to kiss her lips if only to feel her warm breath against my own, but it feels like a step too far without her being awake for it.

Sleeping beauty doesn’t understand how many pieces of my heart she’s stealing as she sleeps the night away. Not wanting to leave, I round to the other side of the bed and slide under. We’re separated by covers, against everything in me that says to cuddle the fuck out of her.

My fingers drift down her arm, eliciting goosebumps as I go. She lets out a sigh and fidgets restlessly like she’s trying to get closer to me. I can’t believe she’s in my bed. Not that she’d willingly be here right now had she not gone out and gotten drunk with her friend, but fuck am I happy about it.

Seeing her in my bed makes me want to see it more. She’s utterly vulnerable at this moment, yet she’s still my headstrong, bossy queen. She rolls over and the blanket I laid over her comes off.

I tuck it back under her, pretending like this is a regular occurrence for me. That she’s my girl. That she’s mine. All. Mine.

My eyelids grow heavy as I listen to her soft snores, lulling me to sleep.

Tags: Zoey Drake Romance