Page 29 of Melting Wynter

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“Spill. What happened?”he asks, sliding in the overstuffed armchair in the corner of my bedroom.

“Where’s Addison?”

“She left to go after Wyn.”

I hang my head, letting it rest on my hands, arms braced on my knees. “She’s pretending that everything that’s happened between us is a game. I don’t get it.”

“Well, start from the beginning.” And I do. I break down everything, every dark and gritty detail.

“Wow, man. I don’t even know what to say. I’d congratulate you for finally getting the girl, but she seems like she’s even farther away now than she was to begin with.”

I sigh. He’s right, she feels even more cut off now than she did if that’s even possible.

“Hey, let's take your mind off it.”

“What d’you have in mind?”

“Nothing now, more like this weekend. Let’s get out of dodge. Pack our shit in a couple sacks and go hiking, camping. Hell, anything that doesn’t involve women.”

“Sounds peaceful.” It doesn't but I don’t want to lie to my friend. What I want to do is find Wynter and give her a taste of something to remember. Remind her why she’s fucking mine. But I’d come off like a lunatic. So I don’t.

Planning for a weekend trip away, we’d settled into playing Call of Duty for the night.Him and these damn video games.I have to admit it’s taken my mind off things, not Wynter, but the distraction even for the minute is nice.

It’s been several hours since the girls left us. It’s starting to get late, and I ache to hear from her. To listen to her voice and know she’s as bad off as I am.

She’s shaken me. Gotten inside my soul and claimed it. My calm, collected, charming self is off-balanced. For the first time, I’m worried I’ve chased her away. I need to know that she made it home safely, if she even went out. I assume she did since Addison never came back.

Or they’re both back at the hotel having girl’s night. I’m twitchy for answers.

Reece hasn’t heard from them either. No calls, no texts… unnerving silence. We stalk their social media, but nothing new there either. He doesn’t seem worried and I shouldn’t be either, but something feels off to me. She’s probably out there meeting other guys. Guys she may like more than me, who haven’t been left by most of the women in his life. Who don’t have mommy issues. Guys who live life to the fullest on their trust fund because they need not work a day in their life. That’s what Lindsay had said to me when she broke off our one-year relationship and walked out.

I’m jealous of the possibility of someone else. Someone touching what’s mine. I want her so bad. I want her to crawl into bed with me at night just so I can wake up to her makeup-less, crazy-haired face. I’ve done this to myself, pushed her into finding someone else to replace thoughts of me.

Not realizing I’d started pacing, he gets my attention. “Chill, West, man... What’s gotten into you? You’re never like this… this anxious, twitchy person… does she have you that messed up? She’s not Lindsay.”

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me…”

“You like her. She’s under your skin. You’re not even messing with her anymore, like wrapped up head over heels falling into no-go zone for her.”

I quirk an eyebrow, looking over at him. “And you aren’t doing the same damn thing with Addison?”

He raises his controller. “Touché, friend, touché.”

His phone dings and we both jump. “It’s them,” he says looking over at me. “Addy is bringing her here for the night. She’s wasted, and she doesn’t want to leave her at the hotel by herself.”

A weight lifts from my chest with the news. I hoped she was coming here because she wanted me, but I’ll take what I can get.

“You know she might not want to see you, right?” he says, the smile no longer permeating his face.

My heart pangs. “I know, but at least I know she’s safe.”

He nods, not saying anything else. Another text comes through. “I’ll run down and help them get on the elevator. Wynter is not doing so hot.”

“Wait, I’ll go. You stay here. She’s my girl, not yours.”

Tags: Zoey Drake Romance