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“Yeah.” I gritted my teeth. “I do.”

“Gonna play that card?”

“If it means keeping him safe, hell fucking yeah.”

Brennan flashed a grin. “Good.”

His cell went off, making the console flash with Aidan’s name.

“Answer call,” Brennan rumbled. As it connected, he said, “I’m on speaker with Declan, Aid.”

“Nice timing,” was Aid’s reply.

“Hey, bro.”

“Hey, Dec. You doing better?”

“Still aching, but on the mend.”

“Good, good. Gonna see you on Sunday?”

I pulled a face. “Yeah. Don’t think I can get away with it for another week.”

Brennan and Aid snickered, but Bren quickly told him, “We’ve got friends.”

Silence fell at his words, and I knew Aidan was registering what that meant.

“Everything okay?” Brennan continued.

“Yeah. Got great news actually.” He cleared his throat. “Managed to get the property in the Bronx secured. The offer was accepted.”

My brows rose. “What property?”

“Aid had one of the kids on his crew enlist,” Brennan whispered, “with the Italians.” Then, to Aidan, he said, “They didn’t do much research, did they? You offered under the asking price.”

“Because the dumbfucks are desperate for the cash,” Aidan retorted. “They’re acting like lunatics and need to pad their accounts.”

“Well, Don Fieri doesn’t have much to live for anymore, does he? Ain’t got anyone to pass all the family jewels onto with both his kids dead.”

I cut Brennan a look. “Are we getting our friends from school involved in the project? It’s a fixer upper, right?”Did you ask the bikers to get involved?I asked, referring to the Satan’s Sinners’ MC we had familial ties as well as business links with. This conversation was going to wear on my last nerve because we’d have to speak in code. If we had a fucking tail, then the car might be bugged too.

“Nah. No need.” Brennan shot me a dry smile which told me that was a lie.

If the Sinners dirtied their hands, then I realized the Italians must have hurt one of their women. Shit, I’d missed out on a lot more than I’d thought if that was the case.

“Dec, you need to figure out why. Maybe there’s something we can use.”

For leverage. “I’ll try.”

“They’re your friends, not mine. I’m glad you’ll be catching up with them soon,” Brennan groused.And not me.

I smirked because Brennan didn’t like talking more than ten words to anyone unless they were one of his brothers. “I quite like Nigel. He’s like a shark.” ‘Nigel’ was code for Nyx.

Aidan snorted. “Like Da.”

“Nah, more rational. Plus, who doesn’t like a man who does what he does for fun?”

Aid and Bren grunted their agreement, knowing Nyx’s idea of ‘fun’ was killing kid fuckers before breakfast.

Tags: Serena Akeroyd Five Points' Mob Collection Erotic