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“You won’t be hearing much from Nigel anymore. Remember? He’s busy now he got that promotion.”

“Shit. I forgot. Who is it again?”


I arched a brow. “Christ. My memory. You tell him we’re linked?”

“We had an interesting conversation about family. He seemed to think his mother was some kind of…” He shrugged. “I don’t even know. I mean, we all know his ma was a slut, but he was pretty sure his stepfather was gonna throw her out and replace her with a new model.”

“He wishes he could,” Aidan muttered dryly.

I grimaced, because if I was married to Leanne, I’d want to divorce her as well. Shame we were Catholics…

“Anyway, that’s great news about the new house. What’s the end goal?”

“Brilliant location to set up shop. Not going to get much out of it at first, not with—”

Brennan slammed on the brakes. But it was too little too late even if his responsiveness probably saved our asses.

We collided with the vehicle in front, their back end buckling like it was made out of glass.

I jerked forward, the seatbelt pulling tight against my belly and chest where the wounds were still sore. But Brennan didn’t fare much better. His head bounced off the steering wheel with an audible crack, and he was out like a light.

I hissed out a breath as Aidan snapped, “What the hell was that?”

“Car in front,” I rasped, “stepped on the brakes.”

“You okay?” he demanded.

I let out another hiss as the vehicle ahead didn’t limp along to the side of the road to exchange goddamn insurance providers.


The driver and passenger leaped out with bandannas covering half their fucking faces, Kevlar vests on their torsos, and semi-automatics in their hands.

At that moment, my life flashed before my eyes.

It hadn’t done that when I’d been on theFamigliacompound, hadn’t even when I’d been bleeding out and felt sure that I was looking at a blue-haired angel back in the ‘hospital’ when I’d seen Aela before I passed out for real.

Now it did.

Now, I was loaded with regrets for what I was going to miss out on.

They wouldn’t miss at point-blank range.

It took two seconds for those thoughts to cross my mind, and another second for me to pull out my gun.

I had to act.


And three seconds weren’t fast enough.

Tags: Serena Akeroyd Five Points' Mob Collection Erotic