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“I know,” she snaps. “God. Talking to you is impossible.”

I snort. “You’re one to talk. You’re speaking nonsense.”

“No, I’m not,” she insists. “This arrangement was just supposed to last until your dad dies. So when that happens, Isabella and I will take off, just like we agreed. You and Yasha can hash out whatever you want to, and… and… you can forget we ever existed.”

She isn’t wrong. Our arrangement was never meant to be permanent.

But if that’s the case, why does Emery look so upset at the prospect? And why do I feel such a thorny tangle of emotions in my chest as well?

“Yasha disrespected my authority, Emery. He betrayed my trust. He came after my family.” I shake my head. “Whether you’re here or not, I won’t forget that.”

“Okay, but that doesn’t mean you have to—”

I stop suddenly and face her. “I’m choosing you. Accept it.”

Emery opens her mouth to respond, but Isabella stirs in my arms. She blinks and looks around. “We’re still not there yet? This is taking forever.”

“We’ll be there soon, sweetheart,” Emery coos.

“Especially if your mom does a little less talking and a lot more walking.”

Isabella giggles, but Emery just stomps off ahead of us again.

Fifteen silent minutes later, Emery is still in the lead. This time, however, she’s headed the wrong way.

“Turn right,” I tell her.

“How can you tell where we’re going?” she complains. “This all looks the same.”

“Because I have a sense of direction.”

She looks back over her shoulder and shoots me a glare. “So do I. But we can’t even see the sun in here. The trees are too thick.”

“Just go right, goddammit.”

“For all I know, you’re leading us in a circle,” she grumbles.

“Do you want a sandwich, Mama?” Isabella asks. The little girl looks up at me and whispers, “She gets grouchy when she’s hungry.”

I laugh quietly, but Emery still hears it. She stops suddenly and rounds on us, hands planted firmly on her hips. “What are you two whispering about?”

“Nothing!” Isabella chirps quickly.

Emery tries to stare her daughter down, but Isabella holds up surprisingly well. Her jaw is set, her lips pressed into a straight line. Then she turns her gaze to me. “What are you smiling about?”

“You’re being so delightful today,” I drawl. “I simply can’t help myself.”

She arches a blonde brow. Somehow, she got a smear of dirt on her forehead and sweat is making her tank top cling to her chest.

Maybe I should take her camping more often. She looks now the way she looks when she’s coming on my cock—completely untethered.

“You’re really not funny,” she hisses. “This is because I don’t know where we’re going, right? I bet you told me to go the wrong way just to amuse yourself.”

“You think so?”

“Yeah,” she says, lifting her chin. “But the joke is on you. I know your tricks.”

Emery turns around and takes off to the left, smashing through some knee-high shrubs. She rips over some branches and barely catches herself from falling against a tree.

“What are you doing?” I call.

“Hiking,” she yells back.

“Okay. Well, when you get tired, feel free to come inside.”

Emery stops and looks around, eyes narrowed.

I get Isabella’s attention and point off to the right. It takes her a second to see what I’m pointing at.

But then she squeals, “We’re here!”

Emery frowns in the direction I’m facing. It takes her a few seconds, but eventually, she sees it, too.

The cabin is about fifty yards ahead of us off to the right. It’s a sprawling house, but it’s well-hidden because it’s built into the hillside. One of the levels is completely below ground. Grass and plants grow on the hill and the natural timber construction of the facade helps it blend in with the ancient growth of the forest.

“You weren’t lying,” she breathes, walking back over. “It’s camouflaged.”

“That’s not an accident.”

Emery shakes her head. “It’s… it’s beautiful.”

“It’s even better inside.” I move around her and take the lead. “Follow me.”

Tags: Naomi West Tasarov Bratva Romance