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“She’s going to lose her shit. Can you imagine what’s going to happen when she finds out that her father and best friend were…” I couldn’t even finish the sentence. “And on top of that, I lied to her about it. She’s been helping me all this time, and all the while I’ve hidden the truth from her, that I’ve been carrying her siblings.”

It was almost too surreal to even think about it. Noah kept his hand on my shoulder, guiding me through the anxiety.

“We’re going to figure it out. Yeah, she might lose her cool. Cammy’s got the same hot blood as her mother, and that means she’s not going to show a bit of fear in letting us know what she thinks about what we did.”

I glanced up at him and he smiled reassuringly down at me.

“I just hope she doesn’t hate me,” I said.

“It might take her some time to come around, but I know how much she loves you. I’m sure it will all work out in the end.”

I reached up and squeezed the hand that held my shoulder. “Thank you.”

“You’ve really got the post-birth glow, you know? And for a woman who’s already as gorgeous as they come, that’s almost an unfair advantage.”

I laughed. “Such a flirt.” Truth was, I loved it. “But seriously, we need to think about Cammy.”

He nodded, giving my shoulder one more squeeze before slipping my hand out from under his and stepping away.

“Let’s table the issue for now. We’ve both got enough to process without adding one more thing on top of it. All the same, we need to let her know as soon as possible.”

“Right. Every moment that passes with us hiding it from her further is going to make her even madder when she finally does find out.”

“We’ll take care of it – together. In the meantime, get some rest, alright?”

“Yeah. I will.” I could feel fatigue taking hold, my eyelids getting heavy. Between the conversation with Noah and everything else, I needed a nap.

“Let me handle Andy, alright?”


Through barely opened eyes, I watched as he gently slipped his big hands underneath my sleeping boy. Once Andy was lifted, Noah carried him over to the bassinet and placed him inside.

“Sleep well, lad,” Noah said, his voice low and quiet.

Once Andy was down, he stepped over to me, leaned in, and kissed me softly on the forehead before wheeling me back to my room where I could sleep.

Tags: K.C. Crowne Erotic