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A text from my phone snapped me back into the world of the living. My eyes went wide when I realized where I was, that not only had I had sex with Noah McMurray, but I’d fallen asleep in his bed.

The mask.

Panic shot through me as my hands went to my face. Thankfully, against all odds, the mask was still there. Relief cooled my blood, but a groan from Noah next to me brought the worry right back.

He rolled over toward me, his gorgeous body on full display, his cock draped down over his thick thigh.

He was still asleep. I needed to get out of there and fast.

Carefully, slowly, I moved off the bed and placed my feet on the cool tile floor.

Noah brought his hand to his broad chest and scratched one of his pecs, the muscle dusted with red and silver hair. The sight was insanely sexy, enough to make me want to hop back into bed with him and go for orgasm number four.

That would’ve been a bad idea. I’d already been too careless tonight. It was time to exit while I was still ahead. I could only imagine the shitstorm that would start if he were to find out who he’d just slept with.

With tiptoe steps, I made my way out of the bedroom and over to my purse. It was on the kitchen bar, the gold wrapper from the condom we’d used right next to it. I picked up the wrapper, holding it in front of my face and trying to remember when I’d put it in my purse.

It’d been after I’d broken up with Chase, my college boyfriend from five years ago or so. I remembered clearly putting the condom into my purse before going out for the night with Cammy to a party, dead set on having some rebound fun.

The rebound never happened, so the condom had been living in my purse since then. With a chuckle, I tossed the wrapper back onto the counter and took my phone out.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw that I had a text from Cammy.

A quick check of the time revealed that it was a little after ten – not late at all. Plenty early for me to sneak out of the suite without seeming suspicious.

Hey! How’s the ball? You were supposed to check in, remember? Wait, don’t tell me this means you found some handsome masked man to hook up with?

Her question was made all the more awkward by the reality of the situation. Since there was no way in hell I’d be able to tell her the truth, I was going to have to come up with something.

For the time being, however, I needed to get the hell out of there before Noah woke up.

I grabbed my bra and put it on before searching around for my panties.

Oh yeah, I thought, spotting the ripped-up fabric on the floor. I picked them up, planning on sticking them into my purse.

Instead, a smile formed on my lips as I tossed them back onto the ground. Noah could keep them – a little souvenir to remember the evening.

It wasn’t like we were going to be seeing each other again. At least, not in this context.

When I was ready, I pressed the button for the elevator that led directly into the penthouse and stepped inside. As the doors closed, I couldn’t help but smile. I’d just had a night I’d never forget.

Tags: K.C. Crowne Erotic