Page 3 of Vow of Seduction

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Every employee was told who they worked for and what to expect, yet she didn’t seem to care I was paying close attention to her.

Her attitude pushed my level of intrigue even higher.

As the second chorus began, she reached for a prop, a container I hadn’t paid attention to. “Pour some sugar on me…” The chorus rang out. Dahlia lifted a container, pouring a white substance over her head. I longed to lick off the sticky substance before thrusting my cock deep inside her tight little pussy. She didn’t miss a beat, twisting and turning like a true professional.

“Have her brought to my table after this dance.”

Paul chortled, muttering under his breath. “She’s not due for a break for fifteen minutes. She won’t be happy. She’sthatkind of girl.”

I turned my head slowly, glaring at him. “I don’t give a shit what kind of woman she thinks she is. Bring her to me. Period.”

He raised both arms, backing away into the shadows. As soon as the song finished, the pulley began to move. I watched as hers was brought to the floor in the staging area, curious how Paul would handle my request. I had a direct line of sight, allowing me to see what appeared to be a terse conversation. The girl was feisty. She had to be to engage in this line of work. While I had a half dozen men serving as security, tossing out any unruly patrons, that didn’t mean with the five hundred or so members that she wouldn’t find herself in some uncompromising positions from time to time.

She was dramatic, using her arms as she obviously disagreed with my request. Only I hadn’t made a request. I’d made a demand, something she would learn about very quickly. In a huff, she blew Paul off, taking long strides toward my table.

“Gentlemen,” I told my soldiers. “If you will be so kind as to give me some space.”

They reacted without hesitation like good soldiers. All my men were well trained to suit my needs, no matter how nefarious my requests might be.

Dahlia slowed her gait the closer she came and when she was within three feet, she stopped altogether, glaring at me as if I was her enemy. Then she allowed her gaze to fall ever so slowly toward my feet, shaking her head after doing so. When she looked into my eyes again, hers were filled with disdain.

I liked this girl.

Perhaps too much.

That meant breaking her would be even more delicious than I’d originally thought.

She closed the distance, standing on the other side of the table, placing one hand on her hip. While she wore a smile, it was clear she would rather be anywhere else but standing in front of me.

“You requested me?” she asked after I gave her the silent treatment.

“Please, sit down.” I motioned toward the chair closest to me.

“I think I’ll stand.”

“I said. Sit. Down.”

Dahlia smirked then chose the one furthest away, sitting on the edge to give herself a better advantage of getting away from my clutches. Smart girl. The same look remained on her face, her eyes full of venom. “What can I do for you, Mr. Durante?”

“So you are aware of who I am.”

“I make it my business to do research on anyone I’m thinking about working for.”

“Very astute of you.”

She was a spitfire, even more luscious up close and personal. I allowed my gaze to fall from her high cheekbones to her long neck, her voluptuous breasts calling to my sadistic side. Her costume was perfect for her, highlighting every curve and just enough of her breasts to cause any red-blooded male to fantasize about tying her to their bed.

While I could easily fall into that category, I didn’t need to dream in order to have exactly what I wanted. “Do you enjoy your job here with us, Dahlia?”

She shrugged, glancing around the room. “It pays the bills.”

Her disinterest allowed me to laugh, which was rare these days. “You can certainly make more money if that’s your goal.”

She snapped her head in my direction, immediately standing. “Mr. Durante. While I am extremely grateful for being allowed a position in your… firm, I’m not a whore. That’s not why I applied here. Whether or not the other girls provide lap dances or other personal services to the members of your club is of no concern to me. As my mama used to tell me, to each their own and I should mind my own business. However, selling my body is certainly not me and never will be. Not for any amount of money in the world. I do so hope you can understand. If not, then I’ll be happy to provide you with my two weeks’ notice.”

What I understood was that she’d crossed a line few people in my employ ever dared.

“Sit down, Dahlia. We are not finished with our conversation.” When she didn’t obey me immediately, I lifted my head, giving her the kind of look that usually had rough and tumble men shaking in their boots.

Tags: Piper Stone Erotic