Page 2 of Vow of Seduction

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“Any issues tonight?” I asked Martinez casually as I motioned toward one of my favorite cocktail waitresses. She didn’t need to approach our table, my drink of choice known by almost everyone.

“Nothing we haven’t been able to handle,” Martinez said as he scanned the crowded space. “Just the usual disagreements.” He was a brutal enforcer, a man who’d done well with the club after taking my staunch advice. The club had the hottest entertainment in town.

I sat back, glancing at the cages hanging several feet over the tables. I drummed my fingers on the table, allowing my gaze to move from one girl to another. They danced and gyrated in the limited space, using the steel bars as props, every one of them dressed in some fabulous costume. A French maid. A gladiator. A cowgirl. There was almost any flavor available to my members. While they were all beautiful women, their skills exemplary, one in particular caught my eye.

The dancer seemed impervious to the hungry men below her, enjoying herself without needing affirmation.

I was intrigued not only by her beauty but by her obvious enjoyment of what she was doing. My cock immediately hardened, which was unusual. I’d never been attracted to any of them. I had to know more. I beckoned for my manager, waiting impatiently as Paul Rodriguez approached.

My drink was placed in front of me, and I grabbed it immediately, swirling the dark liquid as I studied the gorgeous redhead.

“Who is she?” I asked, pointing toward the cage where the redhead entertained the crowd. I noticed at least three members moving closer, attempting to shove hundred-dollar bills in through the bars.

Paul twisted his head around, chuckling under his breath. “I thought you might appreciate my latest find. She’s magnificent, isn’t she? She can dance for hours and dear God, does she know how to flirt.”

“Has she been requested?” I asked. Most of the girls remained dancers and nothing more. However, a select few were paid very well to provide personal and very private entertainment for men who paid a hefty price for the extra attention.

“Dozens of times, but I’ve held back. I wanted to make sure she was the real thing.”

Paul’s statement was an indication of why I trusted the man. There’d been many a law enforcement agency that had endeavored to slide in an undercover officer, attempting to bring me down.

As if that was possible.

I took a sip of my drink, my cock twitching. How long had it been since I’d enjoyed the company of a beautiful woman? Too long. Maybe tonight was the night to engage in a little extracurricular activity. “Have her cage brought closer.”

He didn’t need a reason why nor did he hesitate before motioning for one of his employees, who came over quickly. “Bring number nine closer,” he instructed.

Nine. My lucky number. This could prove to be very enjoyable. She was dressed in what appeared to be a warrior’s costume, complete with thigh-high leather boots, her tight corset highlighting her voluptuous hourglass figure.

As the pulley was turned, several of the members vocalized their displeasure. I could understand why they’d enjoyed her performance and why they were disappointed her cage was taken away from their purview.

With the redhead’s long legs and seductive movements, even in the confined space, she seemed to enjoy the limelight more than most of the women. As she gyrated, wrapping her hands around the bars, I moved to the edge of my seat.

“I think you will enjoy the song as well as her performance,” he stated before walking away.

Only seconds later, another selection of music began to play.

I laughed softly to myself. I couldn’t have chosen a better piece of music for her myself. ‘Pour Some Sugar on Me.’ I sat back, sliding down in my seat as the cage finally landed in front of me. She was close enough I could almost reach out and touch her.

But that would wait.

I always took what I craved, but in this instance, I would show at least some restraint.

As she began to dance, undulating her body as she held onto the bars, I took a deep breath. She was indeed a creature so beautiful that keeping her as my personal possession would be a jewel in my thorny crown. I was drawn to her for inexplicable reasons other than just her stunning physique and obvious attitude. She knew she commanded the small stage, using what God had given her as a weapon. The thought was riveting.

After a full minute, I motioned for Paul again. As he leaned down, I couldn’t take my eyes off her performance for even a second.

“What’s her name?”


“Interesting. Does she have a story?”

Paul chuckled. “Don’t they all? She’s trying to pay her way through college. A side job to make ends meet.”

Yes, of course. Whether or not that was true didn’t matter. I scooted my chair even closer as she tossed her long, flaming red hair from side to side. If she cared about my presence at that point or knew the identity of the person she was dancing for, she didn’t react in any way. Her performance and attitude were fascinating, dragging the darkness dwelling inside me closer to the surface.

No one ignored me.

Tags: Piper Stone Erotic