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Chapter 5

Ariel opted to also leave work early that day. Throughout the day, it had begun to bother her that she was deep in negotiations with two men and she had yet to have a single frank discussion with Tarin. She knew Kes had spoken to him, but she had not had a one-on-one with Tarin, and it weighed on her. Too many assumptions.

She headed for the agriculture department first, hoping to catch him before he left. The only person there was Sadie, however. She informed Ariel that Tarin had gone home early.

Ariel thanked Sadie, spun around, and headed for Tarin’s apartment. It wouldn’t be ideal speaking to him there since he lived with his mother and brothers, but it was urgent, so it would have to do.

Tarin’s mother, Ava Gelman, opened the door with a warm smile. “Hey, Ariel. Come in. Come in.” She stepped back to allow Ariel to enter.

Ariel rubbed her hands together. “I’m sorry to come by unannounced. Is Tarin here?” She glanced at his two brothers who were sitting on the couch playing some kind of video game.

Orlan and Lyon gave her a quick glance. “Hi, Ariel,” they stated in unison before turning back to look at the screen.

Ariel didn’t know Tarin’s family well, but she did know their names and at least had spoken to them in passing. A few hundred people were living in this particular bunker, but not enough to avoid meeting all of them eventually.

“Tarin’s in his room. Go on in.” Ava pointed at one of the bedroom doors.

Ariel took a deep breath as she crossed to the door and then knocked.

“Come in.”

She opened it and leaned inside, feeling decidedly awkward about stepping into his personal space. He was standing across the room with his back to her, sorting through clothes on hangers as if looking for something specific.

When he looked over his shoulder, he froze. “Ariel.” He spun around. “Hey,” he muttered, flustered. He rushed across the room, took her hand, pulled her the rest of the way inside, and shut the door without glancing out at anyone in his family.

“You don’t have to do that,” she muttered, feeling uncomfortable with having the door closed. Not because she didn’t want to be alone with Tarin. She didn’t mind that a bit. But she felt awkward about what his mother would think.

He ignored her and tugged her over to his bed. “Sit.”

She lowered onto the edge of the mattress, noticing his room was impeccable. Everything was in its place. The bed was made. His desk was organized. No clothes spilled out of his dresser or closet.

Like the man himself. Kester and Stuart both worked outside the compound most of the time. They often wore camouflage and combat boots. In contrast, Tarin worked in the agriculture lab. He usually dressed nicely in khakis and dress shirts. His dark red hair was always stylishly cut, his face shaved. She liked his style a lot. Kind of nerdy like the owner.

“Can I get you anything?”

“Sure. I have no idea what alcohol tastes like because I’ve never had it, but after the day I’ve had, I could use a shot of tequila or gin or rum or whatever I hear was popular before everyone went into hiding and stopped frequenting bars.” She smiled.

He chuckled. “Well, I don’t have any of those specific drinks, but we can probably drum up some moonshine at some point. Don’t have any in the apartment, but I’m sure Stu or Kester can score some out in the world.”

Excellent segue. “Speaking of Stu and Kester…”

He inhaled deeply. “Yeah. I spoke to Kester this morning. Can I apologize? I feel bad that Kester had to come to me before I faced you. I should have manned up and had the courage to talk to you myself about my feelings.”

She shrugged and then reached out a hand, hoping he would take hers in his. “It’s okay. I was equally guilty for not confronting you.”

Luckily, he didn’t leave her hanging. He threaded their fingers together and sat alongside her.

She glanced at the door. “Are you sure this is okay? Your mom…”

“It’s fine, love.” He tucked a loose lock of her pale blond hair behind her ear. “My mom understands.”

Ariel smiled. It was heartwarming that each man had a term of endearment for her. Apparently, Tarin was going with love. Stu had claimed babe. Kester had called her honey.

Tarin cleared his throat. “I didn’t want you to feel pressured. I was trying to play it cool, making sure you knew I was interested without pressuring you in any way. I might have taken things a bit too slow.”

She shook her head. “You didn’t. It was nice getting to know you. No one has pressured me. Not at all. Least of all Stuart,” she joked.

“I heard you spoke to him this morning?”

Tags: Becca Jameson The Wanderers Thriller