Page 15 of How Much I Want

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“It’s too late to text her now.”

He glances at the clock on the wall. “They’re just getting out of Midnight Mass.”

“How come you didn’t go?”

“Because I had something better to do.” He types the text and no sooner puts his phone down than it dings with a text. “She says to ‘please tell Sofia and Mateo we’d love to have them.’”

“You’re all so kind. I’ve never known people like your family.”

“They are pretty great.”

“Since your mom doesn’t mind, I’d like to go tomorrow, but only if you tell me what I can bring.”

“You don’t need to bring a thing.”

“I can’t go empty-handed.”

“A bottle of wine, then.”

“I can do that.”

He pushes the tricycle across the carpet, eyeing the wheels he just installed. “How does that look?”

“Perfect. The PT said he was still too unsteady for a big-boy bike and suggested the trike to help strengthen his legs.”

“He’ll love it. I think that’s everything.”

“Thank you so much. This would’ve taken me all night.”

“Now you can get a good night’s sleep.”

“You don’t have to stay.”

“Yes, I do, but act like I’m not here. Do your thing. I’ll be here just in case.”

“Right.” I roll my eyes. “Pretend like you’re not here. As if that’s possible.”

“Does that mean you might like me, too?”

“A little. Maybe.”

His smile is lethal. “Well, that’s good to know.”

“Don’t get all full of yourself.”

“According to my loving family, I was born full of myself.”

That makes me laugh. “They keep you humble.”

“They try.” His smile fades, and he becomes more serious. “I want you to know… It’s important to me that you know…”

“What, Nico?”

“That I really like you—and Mateo. And it’s super important to me that you know I’d never do anything to hurt either of you. I know my sisters and cousin gave you an earful about me, and trust me, I deserve everything they said about me. But I’m very determined to be different with you.”

“That means a lot to me. I’ve had a really hard time for a very long time, and the last thing I need is more trouble. I’m exhausted, Nico. Mentally, physically and emotionally.”

“I want to be the one who brings you some relief, not more problems.”

Tags: Marie Force Romance