Page 22 of Dulce

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“So, Everly, right? Tell me everything about you. Who are you? Where are you from? What’s your bra size?”

“None of your fucking business,” I growl. “Abe, right? Turns out it’s not so hard to tell you apart from your brother. He’s Grumpy, you’re Dopey.”

“Now, is that any way to speak to your future husband?”

“Did your mother drop you on your head?”

“Not that I’m aware of.”

I move to sit up, but he tugs me back down.

“I just wanted to extend my room to you. Feel free to use my bed any time you like. Also, if you’d like to make yourself at home by hanging your bras in my bathroom and dropping your panties on my bedroom floor, I’m willing to make the sacrifices to make you feel welcome.”

“You’re such a giver.”

“Oh, I know,” he tells me, his voice full of heat.

“Everly?” Aslanov calls.

I pull free from Abe’s grip and scowl at him, but he just smirks as I head back to the living room.

“What’s going on?”

“Nothing. I just remembered how stupid boys are,” I grumble.

“On behalf of my brethren, can I just say, ouch?” Luke says, walking into the room and tossing his bag on the floor near the sofa.

“Luke. This is Everly. She’s going to be staying on the sofa until the dorm is ready,” Aslanov informs him. Am I imagining it, or does there seem to be an undercurrent of animosity between these two?

“Oh, we’ve met.” He winks at me.

Aslanov’s face darkens at Luke’s tone.

“So, food.” I change the subject, getting the feeling this place is anything but a happy home.

* * *

I roll over and collide with a body, freezing when I remember I went to sleep alone.

“He sleepwalks, sometimes.”

I open my eyes and lift my head to see Abe sitting on the arm of the sofa, eating cereal.

“And he just so happened to walk right into bed with me?”

“Don’t think you’re special. He’ll climb into bed with anyone. It’s why Aslanov and Luke lock their doors at night.”

“But not you?”

He shrugs. “We shared a womb. Sharing a bed is more spacious.” He winks before heading to his room, taking his cereal with him while I lie here wondering the best way to extract myself without waking him.

Cain rolls over, his warm breath blowing over my shoulder before his hand slides over my stomach. I feel the exact moment he wakes up. His body tenses and his breathing picks up.

I pick the easy way out and pretend I’m asleep. I keep my eyes closed even when I feel him move. I keep my breathing nice and even as his gaze burns into my skin.

His thumb slides backward and forward across the waist of my underwear for a moment before he sighs and rolls away. I wait until I hear him walk across the floor into his room and close his door before opening my eyes and staring at the ceiling.

“Things are never boring around here, are they?” I mutter to myself before sitting up and stretching.

The clock shows it’s 7:30, so I decide I may as well get up.

Climbing out from under the blankets, I grab the clothes I left out last night and head to the bathroom. I take a long hot shower and wash the cobwebs away before climbing out and getting dressed in the academy’s uniform of a gray pleated skirt, white short-sleeved shirt, and a maroon-colored cardigan with a matching color tie.

I slip on some thigh-high black socks and pull my long dark hair up into a neat ponytail. Rummaging through my makeup bag on the counter, I hunt for my mascara before applying a couple of coats and a slick of Chapstick to my lips.

I step back and take myself in. I can’t help but grin. Naughty schoolgirl was always one of my favorite role-playing games. I don’t usually get to do it outside the bedroom.

Heading back to the living room, I fold the blankets and place them in the trunk someone carried them up in before bending over the bed to fold it back in on itself.

Once that’s done, I turn around and jolt when I find Aslanov standing in his bedroom doorway with a look on his face that almost has me taking a step back.

Was he checking out my ass? Of course, he was. I guess someone else has schoolgirl fantasies too. That deflates my mood because this guy could very well be every schoolgirl’s worst nightmare.

“How did you sleep?” His deep voice makes my traitorous nipples pebble. Thank God for the invention of padded bras.

“With my eyes closed. You?”

He chuckles, then shakes his head, stepping forward to straighten my tie. My breath hitches and from the little quirk of his lips, I know he didn’t miss it. I bite back a growl at the man playing a dangerous game and decide to up the ante.

“Thanks.” I smile widely before turning around and grabbing my bag from the floor, my ass brushing against his groin.

His quick intake of breath leaves me feeling smug as he steps back, and I sling my bag over my shoulder.

“Oh, shut up.” Abe’s voice cuts through the sexual tension as effectively as a bucket of ice water.

“Problem, Mr. Eveson?” Aslanov asks him smoothly.

“Luke said I have to go for a session this morning.”

Tags: Candice Wright Romance