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He runs his hands over his hair, taming the strands that I set in disarray while I straighten my clothes. Then he follows me to the front of the building. At the door he pauses, taking one last look at me before he steps over the threshold. He waits, watching until I turn the lock on the door. Then with one final salute, he's gone.

As soon as he's out of sight, I sag against the door. My blood pressure is still high and if I close my eyes I can still feel his fingers, his lips, his tongue. To Gabe, fooling around is just a little fun and games but for me, it's just one more thing that pulls me in closer. Makes me forget myself. The man is dangerous and I don't have time for dangerous.

I shake my head. "Enough daydreaming. It's time to get to work."

* * * * *

Every weekend, my sisters and I used to attack our house with cleaning rags in hand. It was understood that chores had to be done before we could go outside and play or, once we were older, go out with our friends. Brenna used to complain every single time and even Audra would try to convince Mom that we could save chores for Sunday after church. Neither approach ever worked but it didn't stop them from trying.

Strange as it sounds, I kind of enjoy cleaning. It's one of the few things you can do in life and see instant results. So saving a few bucks by cleaning the building myself seemed like a no brainer at the time.

Before I got started.

I've mopped the floor, cleaned the bathroom and figured I'd give myself a break from chemical fumes by cleaning the thick layer of dust off the bookcases with a damp rag. I'm just getting started when there's a knock at the door. I peel off the rubber gloves I'm wearing as I approach the front door. But when I see who it is, I drop them on the floor and pull the door open with a squeal.

"Uncle Tommy!"

"Hey kid. Your Dad told me what you're doing." He pulls me into a hug and then looks around the space. "You're really doing it, huh? I had to come by and see it. I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not! Come on in." I step back and allow him inside. He pulls off his cap and walks to the middle of the floor.

“This is a great space.” He points to the small counter on the left side where the previous tenant had a small coffee bar. “It looks like it’s already got a lot of what you need.”

"Yeah I'm going to use it for concessions."

His eyes shine as he turns in a circle. "I can't wait to see what you come up with." He looks at the rags and cleaning supplies I've left in a pile on the floor. "But I can see you're busy. I'll get out of the way."

"I'm so glad you came by. Dad told me you're interested in investing in this place so once I work out the details, I'll let you know. I really want it to feel like the original club. My dad is really excited about this."

"I am, too. You can't even imagine." He gives me another hug.

Once I get the stage built and everything is clean, I'll have to make sure he and my dad come down to help me set up. It'll be fun for them to work on it together, the way they would have before if things had been different.

After Uncle Tommy leaves, I pick up my gloves and rag. I stand, fighting another wave of exhaustion. I should have just stuck with the cleaning service. I think I remember Finn mentioning that his fiancée owns a cleaning agency. Maybe I should have just asked for a friendly discount instead of trying to tackle all this on my own.

Another sneeze catches me off guard and leaves a burning pain in my chest and throat. I pause with a hand over my chest. The pain settles after a minute but leaves a lingering ache of exhaustion all through my body.

I move back a little and my foot catches on an uneven floorboard. "Whoa!" My legs buckle and I go down hard on my bottom. The rag I was holding lands with a wet smack next to me. I roll over slightly, moving off the uneven section of the floor. I lean closer to look at the uneven wood and then groan. This place is starting to feel cursed.

If someone falls in here, they could sue me. I'm sure it's the landlord's responsibility to fix the floors but how long will that take? And if I have to wait for the floors to be redone then all the furniture that's just been delivered will have to be moved.

I sway as a strong wave of dizziness comes over me. The floor spins beneath my feet as I sit back down and rest my head on my knees. The pain in my chest is back and it's starting to feel like my throat is burning.

I'll just wait until this passes, I think. But I must have inhaled more of those cleaning fumes than I thought because as soon as I close my eyes, I feel myself falling.

chapter eight


“Gabriel. I wasn't expecting you today."

It's something of a shock to see my father answering the door of his own suite. He's using a cane and looking pretty proud of himself. I know he hates to use his wheelchair but the sight of him without it makes me nervous. As conflicted as my feelings are toward Max, I don't want anything to happen to him.

"I called. I know I usually come on Wednesdays but something came up. I need to talk to you."

"Of course. Come in. I was just catching up on some correspondence." He steps back so I can enter the suite. It's quiet today. Usually he has Carol or any number of other attendants hovering over him.

"Where is everyone?"

Tags: M. Malone Blue-Collar Billionaires Romance