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“I can’t…” she told him again.

“Yeah, you can,” he rasped out. “Feel it. Let it wash over you. I’m not coming until you do.”

This time, when it came, the intensity of her orgasm left her breathless as Cam stilled his body, spilling inside of her. He let out a low groan, his lips capturing hers, kissing and scraping against her mouth as though he couldn’t get enough.

He dug his fingers into her behind, pulling her closer as his climax heightened. “Look at me,” he said, his fingers biting harder.

She tipped her head back, her green eyes meeting his hazel, as he slid his hands up her spine and raised her to him, his chest hot against hers. Her back was arched away from the bed, her breasts and stomach flat against his chest, their skin sticky and sweaty as he throbbed and emptied inside of her.

Letting out a mouthful of air, he slowly lowered her back to the mattress, pressing his brow against hers as his eyes captured her gaze again.

“Jesus.” He blew out again. “I think you broke me.”

She grinned up at him. “You broke me first.”

Laying back on the mattress, he hooked his arm around her, pulling her body against his. “Send me the massage bill.”

She smiled softly against his chest. “Maybe you should be the one doing the massaging. You’re pretty talented with your fingers.”

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Me showing up at your work and giving you all my massage skills?”

“Um, no.” She shook her head. Her whole body felt light, like somebody had pumped her full of helium. “It’d be better if you hid under my desk and came out when I need you.”

He pressed his lips against her hair. “When do I start?”

She nestled closer to him. Another hour and she’d have to leave. But she was too tired and way too comfortable to think about that now. “You’d be too distracting. I’d get fired within a day.”

“Yeah, but what a way to go. With me stashed between your knees.”

She burst out laughing. “Can you imagine the scandal? No, I think I like you right here. In bed, waiting for me whenever I need some more rehab.”

“Speaking of rehab. I see some definite improvement, but a full recovery is going to take longer than I thought. I’m not sure if you gave it your all today.”

Her eyebrows lifted. “I gave it everything.”

“You ran away from me.”

“That’s because you were going to kill me with orgasms.”

His smile was crooked. “Is that a thing? Is it even possible?”

“I don’t know, but I’ve got no desire to find out.” She traced her finger over his chest, her lips curling when his pectorals flexed. “What if I’m busy next Saturday?”

“Cancel it.”

“I’m supposed to be having coffee with your sister,” she told him.

“Meet her on Sunday,” he murmured, trailing his fingers down her spine. “Saturday mornings are mine.”

“Until you leave town,” she said, because she was a masochist.

“Yeah, until then.” He was quiet for a moment, as though deep in thought. “Can I ask you something?” He tipped his head to catch her gaze.

Her brows dipped. “Okay, but I won’t promise to answer.”

“If I was staying, would you come out on a date with me?”

“Are we talking hypothetically?”

Tags: Carrie Elks The Heartbreak Brothers Romance