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“Did he say when he was coming?” she asked Michael.

“I dunno. He asked me to send him the game schedule. I guess he’ll see when he can fit it in.”

“Is he still living in our house in Kansas City?” Josh asked.

“No, dummy. We sold it, remember?” Michael rolled his eyes. “He’s living in Wichita right now.” He glanced up at Mia. “He’s still with his girlfriend.” His voice was wary, almost afraid.

She smiled at him. “I know, sweetie.”

Michael’s shoulders visibly relaxed. “Do you think it’ll be okay if they come watch?”

“It’ll be fine,” she reassured him. Whatever happened with her and Niall had nothing to do with the children. He’d always be their father, and they deserved to be noticed by him.

If that meant putting up with him while he was here, she’d do it. As long as her boys didn’t get hurt.

“Did I hear somebody say something about ice cream?” Sam asked. She shot him a grateful smile.

“Ice cream sounds good,” she told him, standing up and collecting the plates, as the boys cleared away the rest of the dinner. “I think we all deserve a double scoop.”

How’s your shoulder? – C xx

A little better, thank you. – M

How much better? Give me a percentage? Has the doctor cleared you to play on Saturday? – C xx

Mia stared at the screen, the sound of her pulse loud in her ears. These snatched messages with Cam, his little gestures of caring, and the way he was chasing her – they were tiny pinpricks of light through the dark of the night. She wanted to see him again. Not just across a football field while they were both playing their roles, the way they would on Friday. But the real him. The Cam who knew how to make her body sing.

Who knew how to chase all the melancholy away and make her feel good.

A smile curled at her lips as she tapped out a reply.

Okay, but I’m bringing breakfast. – M She stared at it, then added two xxs. He’d been sending kisses in all his messages, but it was the first time she’d returned them.

Would he notice? Pressing send, she watched as the two blue ticks appeared.

And she didn’t feel afraid or guilty or anything she thought she would. She just felt alive.

Yes you are. And I can’t wait to eat you. I’m starving. C xxx

He’d added an extra kiss. It was stupid how much that made her smile.

Chapter Eighteen

“Are you close?” His breath was hot and heavy in her ear. She could feel a sheen of perspiration clinging to her skin, mixing with his as their bodies moved in unison. Mia swallowed a gasp as he moved his lips to her throat, scraping his teeth along her skin as he rocked his hips against her.

“I can’t… not again.” Her words were breathless. She felt like a ragdoll, limp beneath him. As he’d promised, they’d started in the hall, the breakfast she’d brought discarded on the polished wooden floor, where he’d dropped to his knees and pressed his face against her thighs, leaving her in no doubt how hungry he was.

That’s where her first orgasm had happened. Hot and fast, like a firework rushing through her body. The second was on the stairs, as he’d pulled her onto his lap and made her ride him, his circling hips squeezing every last ounce of pleasure from her as she’d clamped her body around him.

He’d tried to press his mouth against her center again, even though he hadn’t come. She’d squealed, feeling so sensitive, and had managed to run away from him, laughing loudly as she scrambled up the stairs, his loud stomps behind her.

Then he’d captured her, lifting her easily into his arms and throwing her onto his bed. This time, when he’d tried to pull her legs apart, she crawled across the mattress and taken him into her mouth, swirling her tongue around him as he knotted his fingers into her hair.

“Touch yourself,” he’d rasped. “As you suck me.”

She’d done as she was told, letting out a cry as she’d reached another peak. And though he’d swelled inside her, he still hadn’t come.

But now he was close. She could tell from the shortness of his breath against her throat, from the arrhythmic thrust of his hips as he tried to stop the inevitable pleasure. Sliding his hand between them, his fingers sought her out, circling against the intense part of her that made her gasp.

Tags: Carrie Elks The Heartbreak Brothers Romance