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“Yeah.” The corner of his mouth rose up. “I did, too.”

She must have fallen back asleep before he’d even started the engine, because the next thing she knew he was pulling up to the cottage. A dusting of snow remained from the earlier storm, sparkling in the moonlight. “Stay there,” Logan said, climbing out and walking around to her door. He opened it up, his eyes soft as he held out his hand and helped her to stand.

He was being so gentle with her tonight. She liked it almost as much as when he was bossing her around. Every time she saw him, there was another side of him revealed. Another Logan. And every one of them made her heart ache.

Her shoe caught on a rock in the ground. She stumbled forward, Logan reaching out to catch her in his arms. He slid his arm around her waist, walking her up

the steps. “Give me your key,” he said. “I’ll open it up for you.”

She reached into the pocket at the front of her purse and pulled her leather key ring out, passing it to him. Second trimester tiredness felt different to the first. It wasn’t as all-encompassing, but when it came, she felt it to the bones. She was lucky he was next to her, his arm keeping her up.

When they stepped inside, she could still smell the cinnamon of the pastries he’d had delivered yesterday. She smiled at the reminder of his kindness. “Are you coming in?” she asked, tipping her head up so her eyes caught his. There was a fire in his gaze that pushed down the tiredness.

“I shouldn’t…”

“I know, but I want you to.”

He closed the front door, lowering his head until his brow touched hers. “Fuck it,” he whispered, capturing her lips with his. “I’ll get up early in the morning and head back to Gray’s.”

“I have to be up early, too.” She kissed him back, warm and welcoming, her tired arms wrapping around his neck. “I promise not to keep you awake all night.”

He chuckled, then lifted her up, pulling her against him until her legs wrapped around his waist.

And when they’d worn each other out, and she was laying with her head resting on his naked chest, his hand gently stroking her curls, she found herself whispering drowsily, “I’m so glad you’re going to be this baby’s father.”

He kissed the top of her head, his chest rising sharply as though his breath was catching.

“Yeah.” His voice was graveled. “I’m glad I am, too.

Chapter Twenty

Something was screeching. Courtney opened her eyes, frowning as the light of the winter sun dazzled her. It took her a moment to figure out where the hell she was.

In bed. With Logan. On Christmas morning. And her phone was dancing on top of her bed side table. She reached out to pick it up, frowning when she saw Carl’s name on the screen. A side glance told her Logan was still fast asleep. Sighing, she accepted the call.


“We’re waiting for you at the church. Where are you?” His voice was short.

She sat up, her brows knitting as she glanced at the clock on the wall. It was almost ten o’clock. How the heck had she slept for so long? Next to her, Logan was still breathing softly, rhythmically, the blanket and sheets wrapped around his waist.

“I overslept,” she said, trying to keep her voice quiet. “You should go in without me.”

“But we always go to church on Christmas day. It’s important to Mom and Dad. They won’t sit down until you get here.”

Courtney squeezed her eyes shut. The back of her throat felt scratchy and raw at the thought of letting Mary and Ellis down. “I’ll come to the house once you’re back,” she suggested, her voice full of apologies. “Tell them I’m sorry, okay?”

“Is this something to do with him?”

She didn’t need to ask Carl who he was talking about. She knew from the bitterness in his tone. Maybe he’d even driven down the lane and seen Logan’s rental car parked outside. She pressed her lips together, trying to ignore the twinge in her stomach. “I’m just tired, Carl. It’s been a long week, and I was out late last night.”

“I guess we’re not important to you anymore.”

“That’s not true.” Her voice rose up, making Logan’s eyes shoot open. He frowned, lifting himself up on his side to look at her.

She pointed at her phone and grimaced. He nodded in understanding.

“Is he still there?” Carl asked.

Tags: Carrie Elks The Heartbreak Brothers Romance