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Aside from those two pieces of furniture and a small nightstand, the room was barren of decorations.

“This is your room.” I stated it instead of asking, because I knew without having to be told.

I spied a closet that was larger than any one I’d seen before now. There was a bathroom across from that, the white granite flooring peeking out from the shadowy interior.

When he didn’t respond, I turned and faced him fully.

He lifted his hand and ran it over the back of his hair, and for a second, my mate looked… sheepish.

“I will no’ stay here with ye, but I’d be lying if I dinna admit I want ye in my room, in my bed, and surrounded by my things.” He looked at me fully then, and there was so much possession in his expression I felt it.

He pulled his shoulders back, and his expression was one of pride at the very thought of me in his space. And that pleased him to no end. I couldn’t deny that a part of me wanted that too, that I’d been secretly hoping this was where I’d stay.

Odhran cleared his throat and ran a hand over the back of his neck once more, and I felt myself warm at the sight of him looking so bashful. He started explaining the room as if he wanted a change of subject, and I let him divert the conversation as I followed him.

I stepped inside the closet and took a look at one side of the interior, where the upper and lower racks were filled with feminine clothing. He answered my unspoken question by telling me with pride he’d had clothing bought for me. The other side of the closet was clearly his clothing, slacks and button-downs, jeans and shirts all hanging perfectly.

I glanced back at “my side” and then at Odhran, knowing my eyes were wide. “You bought all of this for me?” My voice sounded breathy, far too soft for anyone to actually hear. But his expression softened, and he smiled.

“After we landed, I contacted Banner’s mate, Luna, because I had no clue what tae get for ye. She then got in touch with Darragh and Evie, Caelan and Cian’s mates, and the three of them went shopping for ye.”

As I stared at Odhran, I couldn’t help but smile and feel my heart swell at how bashful he looked in admitting that.

“I wanted tae get the things myself, but trust me when I say I’m all thumbs with anything that has tae do with fashion.”

I found myself laughing softly.

“Also, I probably would have ended up getting ye things ye hated.”

“Oh? Why do you think that?” I walked over to one of the shirts hanging up and ran my fingers over the soft material.

“Because I’d have picked the least attractive things for ye tae ensure no other male looked in yer direction.”

I glanced at him and lifted a brow.

“Because then I’d have tae gouge their eyes out if I caught them admiring ye, lass.”

Now it was my turn to feel bashful as I felt my face heat. It was just clothing, sure, but the level of thoughtfulness that had been given by Odhran squeezed my chest almost painfully.

For a second, we didn’t move or speak, and then I whispered my thanks, not trusting myself to not sob from emotion.

He had that bashful expression on his face once more before gesturing us back into the room and leading me to the bathroom.

The bathroom was, like the rest of this estate, absolutely spectacular. Large enough to be a bedroom on its own, it housed a massive clawfoot tub on one side of the room and a glass-enclosed shower at the other end. A double sink and vanity was parallel to those with rose gold fixtures and white marble.

A vase of fresh cut flowers was situated between the sinks, and the scent and bright colors were enough to almost make me moan.

“Everything ye need has been bought and stored under the sinks and in the cabinet. Soaps and oils, lotions and an array of other feminine products I donna know much about but was assured by the staff was what ye’d need.”

I could have chuckled at how shy he once again became, talking about it all. I moved almost automatically as I followed him out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom.

“I have some things tae take care of, reports I have tae give Banner about what I learned from my time with…” He stopped, and his jaw clenched. “Of course I want ye with me always, but I can sense ye’re tired and want ye tae rest. I can bring ye up some food?” I shook my head, unable to find words, because I felt so suddenly overwhelmed. “Would ye like tea, something warm tae drink? I can have the staff start a fire while I’m gone. Although the house has been modernized and stays warm, if ye’re still too cold…”

“It’s all perfect, Odhran. It’s absolutely perfect.” We stared at each other for long seconds, the kind of gazing that caused your blood to rush and your body to warm because of it.

I could tell he wanted to come to me, but he kept his distance, maybe thinking I needed it. I certainly gave him enough reason to think I might break down once more.

“I’ll leave ye tae it,” he said in that sexy, deep voice of his. “But if ye need me, pick up that phone.” He pointed to the phone in question. “Dial two, and it’ll transfer ye right tae my office, which is where I’ll be for just a short time. I will no’ stay away longer than I have tae.”

Tags: Jenika Snow The Lycans Erotic