Page 89 of The Silken Web

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Erik wasted no time. Catching her under the knees and behind her back, he carried her to the waiting bed. He laid her on the pillows and then settled beside her, leaning on one elbow to look down at her.

“Kathleen, don’t take me any further if you—”

She placed her fingers against his lips. “Erik, please make love to me. Now.”

He reached up and captured the hand caressing the back of his neck and brought its palm to his lips. “I pride myself on my finesse, but I can’t wait.”

“Neither can I,” she whimpered, and moved against him until he had no choice but to stretch his length over her. Her body conformed to his with a silent entreaty, and he filled that aching void deep inside her.

“Sweet…!” he grated. “You’ve always been ready for me, Kathleen. Oh, God, I thought my memory had embellished how good it was with us, but it hadn’t. If anything, my love, the memory was diluted.” His hands held her face captive as he rained light kisses over it.

She sensed that he was being gentle with her, almost afraid. Staring directly into his cerulean eyes, her lips trembling, she said, “Don’t hold anything back, Erik. I want all of you.”

“Kathleen, sweetheart… precious…” His knowledge of her became total. As she arched against each acquainting thrust, they gave their all.

* * *

“That’s heavenly,” she sighed as his strong hands massaged the muscles of her shoulders.

“I thought you’d like this.”

“How do you know how to do it so well?”

“Practice.” He laughed.

“Oh, you!” she cried, and turned her head to look up at him.

He swatted her playfully on the bottom. “Lie back down or I’m going to stop.” The massage had been his idea after they had showered and returned to the bed.

“No, you’re not. You like touching me too well.”

“Don’t get sassy, or I’ll have to punish you.”

She lifted one curious eyelid while the other was buried in the pillow. “How?” Kathleen asked in an unconcerned drawl.

“Oh, I can think of a lot of diabolical ways. For instance,” he said as he moved his hands down her back to her hips, “I may have to get meaner and do this.” He was kneeling between her things now and kneading the backs of them with competent hands. His fingers teased her mercilessly, not quite touching what she longed to be touched.


“Has the lady learned her lesson?” Erik asked as he lay on top of her and slipped his hands under her to caress the breasts she made available by raising up slightly.

“Yes,” she answered languidly. His breath was hot on her skin as he moved her hair aside with his nose and began to nibble her ear.

His hips settled more solidly on hers and she felt the tentative probings of his manhood. “Erik, please.”

He kissed her cheek smackingly. “No. I’ve waited a long time for you, Kathleen.” He placed a hand on her shoulder and turned her over. He brushed back the hair from her forehead and smiled at the look of dismay on her face. “Is this the same woman who accused me of being naughty? Hm?”

“The very same,” she said mischievously, reaching for him.

He dodged her hands. “Behave yourself. Last time we got a little carried away. It went by too fast. I want to take my time. I want to adore you first.”

He kissed her. It was a sweet kiss that bloomed into passion and encompassed their entire mouths. It was a kiss of giving and receiving, of teasing and fulfilling, of promising and pledging.

“You always smell so good,” Erik whispered as he worried the area under her ear and worked his way around her throat and down her chest.

He raised up and looked in awe at her breasts. His hand settled on one and rubbed it gently in a circular motion. “Raise your arms over your head,” he instructed. Kathleen complied and he stared down at the lovely picture she made.

Her hair formed a dark auburn cloud on the white pillow. The perfection of her face was set in that lovely frame. Her skin, the tanned areas contrasting with the paler flesh blocked by her bikini, glowed warmly. Her nipples were proud and inviting crowns.

Tags: Sandra Brown Romance