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“No, I need Zeke.”

We need our mate.

Shaking her head, she took several deep breaths, needing her man to calm the beast within her.




“Mary, I need you to listen to me,” Helen said. When the older woman touched her over-sensitive arm, Mary jumped back hissing. “Listen, bitch, this is my territory, and you will follow me.”

The sympathy in Helen’s eyes upset her. Mary felt the power pouring out of Helen, taking control of the situation.

“Listen to me, Mary, there are too many people. You can hurt us just as much as we hurt you. You’re not pack, and you’re here as a guest. Follow me, and I can protect you.” Helen touched her, and Mary did everything she could to stop herself from screaming at the other woman.


“We’ve found her,” William said, sitting behind his desk. Several pack leaders were stood around the room, staring at his father. Zeke couldn’t believe he’d heard properly.

“What?” Zeke asked, stepping closer.

“Debbie, we’ve found her. She’s in perfect health, but she needs all of us to go to her.” William looked excited.

“Why are we sat here waiting? We should be there and bringing her back to us.” They’d finally found Debbie. After all this time Zeke couldn’t believe the news. His woman had just admitted she loved him, and now he knew his sister was alive. He couldn’t help but feel happy with the news. His life was getting better. The future was looking amazing.

“She has asked for us to wait. I’ve got her location, and she’s requested us to wait. Her situation is delicate, and the people she’s with will not trust us. Dani and Roger have a lot to answer for,” William said.

“I bet. Experimenting on our own kind or any kind for that matter is fucking abhorrent. I wish I was there to kill them again.” the Alpha from one of the other packs spoke from the back.

Everyone agreed.

“What situation?” Zeke asked.

“Debbie was not the only one who escaped. Several people over the years had escaped. Dani and Roger have been doing this for years. The escapees have formed a pack, but they’re, erm, they’re used to living secluded, and they don’t have a great deal of trust in our kind. Also, they tried to stay away from humans altogether. Debbie hadn’t gotten the chance to contact us, but she finally got them to see reasoning with her getting in touch now.” William ran a hand down his face. “Debbie likes them and wants us to wait so she can prove to them that they can trust us.”

“Waiting the week will earn their trust?” Zeke spoke up not believing something so simple could earn their trust.

“Yes. The Alpha of her new pack has asked for the week to prove to them we can hold off, and then they’ll accept them close to their territory.”

“What about the experiments with Dani and Roger? How do we know it’s over?” Zeke asked, thinking about his woman and the damage the others had done to her.

“Debbie has assured me they have the only person responsible for putting the idea into their heads. I trust your sister, Zeke. She’s thorough and wouldn’t lead us into a trap.”

The other Alphas agreed. Zeke knew his sister was reliable and knew how to take care of herself.

“Okay. So what do you need from me?” Zeke asked.

“Next week we need you and Mary to come with us to the meet. They’ll be bringing the man responsible for causing so much death. Together, we’ll put an end to these bastards.”

A knock on the door sounded making them all pause.

Tags: Sam Crescent Erotic