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“Very. Otherwise I wouldn’t ask at a mate gathering for a private word,” William said.

“Okay.” He turned to her. “I’m going to go, but I promise you Mom will take care of you.”

Mary nodded. What else could she do?

“Zeke, wait,” she said, wanting him to know how she felt. “I get it.” Glancing down at the floor, she tucked some of her hair behind her ear. “I love you, too.”

He paused, and then the biggest smile she’d ever seen brightened his whole face. “You pick the worst time to make me feel like the happiest man alive.” Zeke caught her up in his arms. “I love you, baby, and I promise you I’ll make this up to you.”

His lips were hard, and she melted against him. Seconds later he wandered off, and she was alone with Helen.

The other woman wrapped her arms around her. “I’m so happy.”

Laughing, Mary hugged the older woman back.

“My boy has spent so much time talking about you and how he’d find you. I didn’t doubt his effort, but I started to think he’d been taking weed and simply imagined you into existence.” Helen chuckled. “I know he’s not a young boy anymore.”

“Zeke talked about me?” Mary asked.

“Yes. He didn’t know your name, of course. Zeke told us he knew you were the one. That boy will never back down from anything.” Helen led her toward the sofas where several couples were groping or in different stages of undress.

“I, erm, I didn’t even know his name.”

“He’s a good Alpha. Zeke knows to keep his feelings close to his chest. Like his father he has a select few people close enough to him that he can trust.” Helen handed her a glass of dark liquid. “It’s scotch, my dear. It’ll keep you warm while they’re away. Business will come first.” There was a smile on her lips.

“How can you stand for the pack to come first?” Even as she said the words Mary knew she didn’t care if the pack came first.

“I know, honey, that when my man gets me alone later tonight or even tomorrow or maybe in a week, he’ll make it up to me.” Helen closed her eyes.

Feeling like an intruder, Mary glanced away.

“Honey, I know my son, and he’ll make it up to you in his own personal way. You’ll be protected, and you’ll never want for nothing.”

Sipping at the scotch Mary tried not to cough at the strong burning taste.

“I wouldn’t want anything from him. I’m happy just being around him,” Mary said.

“You’re becoming one of my favorite people.” Helen touched her hand.

They were silent for a long time as the music picked up. She noticed several couples were already naked, and things had taken a different turn.

Not knowing where to look, she stared down into her glass.

“Wolves do not care about nakedness. Being naked is more natural than being in clothes. I was surprised to see Zeke in clothes. He’s more comfortable in shorts or anything that leaves him exposed,” Helen said, explaining things to her.

Mary felt her cheeks heat up. “I guess I’m still new to it all.”

The collar of her shirt was starting to itch. In the corner she saw Jane was naked. Her arms were wrapped around Max’s neck as he kissed his way up to her neck before claiming her lips. The two looked oblivious to everything around them.

Her skin felt sensitive to the touch. She really wanted Zeke. Her need was growing, and her wolf was starting to wake up. Touching her fingers to her temple, she tried to take deep, calming breaths. The last thing she needed was to lose control in a room full of wolves.

“Mary, are you all right?” Helen asked. The concern got through Mary’s clouded thoughts.

Tags: Sam Crescent Erotic