Page 17 of Between the Pack

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Paisley’s POV

Six months later

It had beena long time since I was last backstage, and everything was a whole lot different this time. The most noticeable difference was my swollen belly, growing my little baby inside me. My baby boy who was going to be with us in only a few months' time. A boy whose biological father I couldn't be sure of because of my harem relationship, but that wasn't a thing that mattered between us. We were all going to be parents in equal measure. That was how we did everything.

Now, whether my boy was going to grow up to be a wolf shifter or not, I couldn't be sure. Research could only tell us so much; it seemed to be one of those things that was a fifty percent chance. A bit like the baby being male or female. He would either be a wolf shifter or not. Either way, he would be fine. He would have his fathers to show him the way. I wasn't too worried about anything.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked, touching Daisy's shoulder. She looked frazzled, which was typical for her, but this was a different sort of situation. She wasn't here as Claire's manager today, she was here as a model for me in my very first fashion show. I had a fashion week stage with celebrities in the audience. My career was finally becoming everything it needed to be.

"Yeah, I think so." She shivered and smiled, trying to prove to me that she really was okay. Daisy was putting on that brave face for me. "Just nervous."

"We've practiced this," I reminded her. "Over and over. You have always been one of my best models, which is why you're on first. You got this."

She straightened her spine, jutted out her chin, and nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, you're right. I can do this. I will do this. I'll do it for you."

She strutted on past me wearing the gown I had been working on for what felt like forever, and it fit and suited her perfectly. I watched with a beaming smile as she went out onstage at the exact right moment with the music. She had this, and because Daisy had it, the other models fell right into step as well.

"Hey," Claire whispered at the back of the line, waiting to get out there for me as well. She looked just as incredible as she did the very first time she wore one of my designs up on stage. My favorite model. I loved the way she helped me out now, just as much as I did her in the beginning. "You okay?"

As she ran her fingers through her hair, I caught a glimpse of her sparkling engagement ring. The actor boyfriend who I thought she might struggle to keep things going with once their careers took off was now her very loved fiancé. They made it work, which was awe inspiring for everyone.

And she had also managed to form a great career for herself while helping me out as much as she could. I appreciated her so much.

"Yeah, I'm good," I reassured her with a smile. "Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to be here with me."

"I have something to tell you." She bit down nervously on her bottom lip. Of course my mind immediately raced, darting to all the craziest places. But she couldn't be pulling out of the fashion show now, could she? I mean, she was all dressed up and everything, ready to go. "Don't hate me."

"Oh no," I groaned. "What is it? You can't leave it there."

"It's nothing to do with the show, don't worry." She glanced behind herself. "I just thought it might be time to invite some people here…"

Oh my God. Oh my God, she'd done it. She'd done the one thing I was way too scared to do. She'd invited Mom and Dad here. I couldn't believe I was looking at my parents, who were staring at me with sheer pride in their eyes.

Once upon a time, I thought this was all I needed to be happy. There was a part of me that really needed their acceptance. I wanted them to support me the way they supported Claire. Funny, now that the time had come, and they were here to give me that support, right at the moment of success just as Claire told me they would, I wasn't as moved as I thought I’d be. I was glad to have them here, of course. It was nice to be able to show them that I what I did was actually worthwhile and I could make something out of myself, even if I had chosen a path they might not have chosen for me, but I didn't need their approval.

Being with Sly, Vinnie, Jake, and Ollie had brought my self-confidence right up. I honestly felt like I could take on the world every single day. I didn't think anything could drag me down from the amazing place I was.

Just as I started to take a step closer to my parents, Claire swept past me out onto the stage. I wasn't worried about my sister, she had this all under control and she knew how to drive a crowd wild. After all, she was on stage touring all the time when she wasn't entertaining the paparazzi with her fiancé. So I could concentrate on this. It had been quite a while.

"Mom, Dad." My smile stretched across my face. "I'm so glad you're here."

Mom hugged me tight, bursting into tears as she did. "Oh, Paisley, you have done such an amazing job," she sobbed. "And while you're having a baby too."

"Will we get to meet your…men?" Dad asked, trying to come to terms with my romantic situation. It was fine, I didn't mind if it took him a while. It took me a while too! He would get there in time. At least he was trying. "I know we met them in Las Vegas, but things were a little different then. We didn't know…"

"They are out there watching the show at the moment," I informed him. "But I'm sure they will be happy to talk to you afterward."

Mom pulled back and rubbed my belly a little, growing even more misty eyed. "Oh, I can't believe you're doing all of this while pregnant. You must be crazy! But I can't wait to meet my grandson when he's finally born."

"I know, I can't wait to meet him either. It's going to be wonderful."

I honestly wasn't sure how I would juggle motherhood and my growing career, but I had the advantage of four very eager fathers who were desperate to be parents, so I was definitely very lucky in that regard. Actually, I felt lucky nonstop.

"You have done so great, Paisley," Mom insisted. "We're so proud of you. Of you and Claire. The way you have helped and uplifted one another is just wonderful. You should both be proud of yourselves for everything you have done."

I managed to jut my chin out happily. "You know what? I am. Really proud."

I was proud of so much, of beating the odds and making something of myself, of stepping out of my comfort zone to involve myself in the best non-traditional romance of my entire life, and of doing it all with my head held high.

I just hoped I could keep making myself proud with motherhood. That was a journey I had never gone on before and it was nerve wracking to say the least.

"Paisley, come on!" Claire was back once more, and grabbing my arm. "Mom, Dad, you need to be out there in the crowd now. You can't hang around backstage forever. Paisley is about to make her onstage debut."

Oh God, I'd forgotten about this part. Apparently, the crowds loved meet the fashion designer after seeing a new line of clothing, so I had to do my best to get over my stage fright and head out there. At least I had my very confident sister on my arm. She would take over if I faltered.

The stage lights were so bright. I knew they would be from when we rehearsed, but for some reason they seemed even brighter right now. I blinked rapidly, trying my hardest not to look like I was squinting. I knew for sure there were photographers here and the pictures would end up online, and potentially in fashion magazines as well, so I wanted to look as decent as I could. Even if I wouldn't stand out next to Claire.

"You're kicking ass," Claire whispered reassuringly to me. "It's good, just keep going. We will be at the end of the catwalk in a moment."

I didn't know where anyone in particular was in the audience, but the whoops and cheers coming from the lefthand side immediately let me know where my guys were. Supporting me like there was no tomorrow.

Honestly, I wouldn't have even made it this far without them. I couldn't even begin to count the number of times I almost gave up, but their determination prevented me from doing so. They lifted my spirits, helped me, protected me, and listened to me so well, I only had one choice.

To keep on going until I reached the top.

Claire handed me a microphone as soon as we reached the end of the catwalk, which I guessed was my cue to do a little speech.

"Thank you so much, everyone, for being here today." The guys cheered so loudly, I actually had to pause for a moment. Luckily, they had me in stitches, which was much better than getting caught up in anxiety. "I appreciate all the support and I hope you have all enjoyed my creations." More screams and cheers. I wasn't going to get the chance to say much, was I? Probably for the best. "There are too many people for me to thank individually, because I have had so much help getting to where I am today, so instead I just want to thank everyone."

I squeezed Claire's hand a few times so she knew she was just one of the people I definitely included in that. I hoped the other people surrounding me knew they were included in this as well. I appreciated every single person.

But that was all I could say. The crowd was being excessively loud, so I took a little bow and made my way backstage to blow out a breath of relief because I had done it. I had successfully put on my very first fashion show.

"Paisley," Vinnie yelled, practically making it backstage before I did. "Paisley, some deals are being talked about. I heard some fashion lines wanting to work with you and some stores wanting to stock your work. Everything is about to explode."

I squealed and jumped up and down with him, pride surging through my veins as I did. I couldn't believe it; this was better than I ever could have hoped for.

"But, Vinnie," Ollie called out, "Paisley is supposed to be taking it easier after today. She's not supposed to be getting more work."

"What do you think we are here for?" Jake laughed as he walked past Ollie, patting him playfully on the back as he went. "We are the lackeys, the assistants. We will just have to pick up the slack to make sure Paisley can do it all."

My heart warmed at the sentiment. That was Jake to a tee. All the guys really. They would do whatever it took to keep me happy.

"But you do need to rest today," Sly joined in as he came to hug me backstage as well. "Because you have done a ton and must be tired."

I wanted to argue that I was pregnant, not someone who needed watching over twenty-four hours a day, but truth be told I was exhausted. It had been an emotional roller coaster of a day and bed was definitely calling me. The models could go out and party all they wanted to, but I needed to crash.

"I'm only going to bed if you guys join me," I joked. "I can't sleep alone."

Actually, that was true. Our massive bed that was even bigger than the one in the Las Vegas hotel was too big when I was by myself. It didn't feel right unless all of us were in it. Maybe this wasn't the traditional relationship I thought I might end up in, but that didn't make it any less perfect.

All these guys were my family, my happily ever after, my future. They had helped me have it all, and that was only going to continue. I leaned up and kissed them all in turn, getting a different sensation from each man, but the feelings all complimenting one another in the best possible way.

The future looked incredibly bright for me. My career and my love life as well. As we all left the venue, arm in arm, I felt like I was stepping into a brand new future, and I couldn't wait for it. I couldn't wait for my son to be born, and any future child as well. It was all going to be amazing.

The best thing that had ever happened to me. Ever.

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Tags: Laura Wylde Romance