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“Jane Ladling?” Charlotte, the older of the gatekeepers, chirped. “Well bless your sweet little heart. We didn’t think you’d come.”

“We sure didn’t,” Audrey echoed.

“I’ll be as blunt as my dear daddy’s pocketknife. I thought your name was someone’s idea of a joke, myself.” The two siblings shared a nod of agreement. “What with your recent trouble with the law and all.”

The Berdize siblings shared the same oval-shaped face, ash brown with pink highlights pixie cut, and a single dimple in the right cheek. According to Jane’s research, they also owned and operated the dating service in use today. Over the years, it had become a regular part of their event planning empire. Along with the dating service, the sisters handled weddings, anniversaries, and various fundraisers throughout the year. Though three years apart, the pair did everything together while maintaining a fierce rivalry.

“Jane,” Fiona prompted again.

Right. The sisters had questioned her appearance. “I don’t have any problems with the law.” The law had problems with Jane. She tugged Truth Be Told from her purse, the receipt she’d printed tucked inside. “Paid in full.”

Audrey crossed her arms, the Dr. Love T-shirt stretching taut across her ample chest. “No offense, but are you sure you want to be dating right now, sugar?”

Fiona draped her arm over Jane’s shoulder. “Baby girl has done nothing wrong. She can’t help it if people keep dumping bodies at her home.”

For some reason, Beau made a grunting sound.

Jane forced a laugh, as if she had no cares. “Innocent until proven guilty, right?” Or guilty until proven innocent when you sounded high on thorn apple again.

Charlotte pulled a pencil from behind her ear, a lock of hair cupping her cheek. “Oh, let Jane participate. It isn’t like she’s some depraved serial killer. She’s not even dating mere weeks after her husband’s death!”

Wait, were they suggesting…? Jane fought a grin. That judgmental tone revealed more than the words. Yes, they were indeed discussing Tiffany Hotchkins—and they’d just offered a new lead for the case.

“Tiffany is dating someone new?” she asked, trying so, so hard to appear breezy. Yep. Definitely trying.

“She sure is.” Audrey propped her hands on her hips as her sister withdrew the trio of tickets from the money box. “I guess you could say she met her fella at one of our events.”

Jane accepted the outstretched tickets as Charlotte’s expression brightened. The elder sister said, “I’ll take the free advertising, but I’d rather have that wedding planning money!”

The siblings high-fived and bumped hips.

“Tell me more.” Jane leaned forward as if she intended to lay down some juicy gossip of her own once she learned what she wanted. If the Berdize sisters enjoyed spilling tea, she would happily pass around the sugar. “Is the man worthy of her? She deserves someone great, probably.”

Beau made another grunting sound, and Jane shot him a look. Seriously, the guy needed to put on a better front. Since she’d failed to find him the perfect lady, this was his chance to score someone on his own and solve a case. Win-win.

“Worthy?” Audrey snickered, then grabbed a thick black marker to write their names on sticker badges. “What I know is this. His name’s Jake Stephenson. A town newbie, here for a fresh start. Everyone likes him, it seems. I mean, he scores more dates than the other guys, but they never seem to mind. He’s a bit shy at times and prefers the one-on-one sessions. If I’m remembering correctly, he’s a painter. Houses or portraits, I’m not sure. He’s got a new lease on life, so he’s finally ready to fall in love again. At least, that’s what he told me when I grilled him—er, interviewed him to help find his best match.”

A fresh start, huh? “Did he say why he needed that fresh start?” A bad breakup? A divorce? A felony?

“He and a longtime girlfriend split up,” Audrey replied. “The gal broke his heart something fierce.”

Hmm. The timing of his arrival was as questionable as the timing of the thorn apple. And why had he shared so much painful, personal information with strangers—gossipers, at that—just to get a date? Who did that? Better question: Did Jake grace Ana’s list of suspects? Mr. Cheats. Crusty Crab. Sticky Fingers. The Black Widower. Lie Guy. Slick Willy. Governor Handsy. To name a few. And what about the three nicknames with stars? Art Amour, Dr. Sexy Evil and the Robber.

Wait. Art Amour. With this Jake guy being some kind of painter… Could it be as simple as that?

“Did Jake and Tiffany match right away?” Jane asked.

“Almost. He—” Audrey went quiet when her sister nudged her arm.

“We shouldn’t discuss our other clients,” Charlotte pointed out.

“But we should be rude and not answer direct questions? It’s not like I’m violating a matchmaker code of ethics.” Audrey rolled her eyes and propped her elbows on the table. “Anyway. We didn’t actually...technically... set them up.”

Tags: Gena Showalter A Jane Ladling Mystery Suspense