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She nodded.

My hands shook as I reached for the letter. I wasn’t sure why I was nervous. Was it because I didn’t want to be upset that Granddad had left Paige a better letter than me? Maybe it was because I was an asshole and was checking out her body when I had a freaking girlfriend back at the bed and breakfast. Or was it simply because this was Paige, the woman I had wanted to marry and raise a family within this very house? We hadn’t wanted the same things, and I had been too stubborn to listen to her reasons. I pushed all that aside; I couldn’t go back and change the past. Our past.

Truth be told, I wasn’t angry at Paige for following her own dreams, I was pissed that I had forced her to pick. Her life, or mine. And when she did pick, it wasn’t the choice I wanted to hear. I was hurt she hadn’t picked me. Why should she have, though? I had acted like a stupid fool. I was jealous. Scared to death she’d meet someone who would offer her more. I was angry she didn’t want to start the life we had talked about as quickly as I did. Over the years, I realized what a fool I had been. It wouldn’t have hurt us to spend time together before moving back home. All the times I had seen her posts on Instagram, in a distant country, exploring it by herself, I realized I should have been with her. Maybe I had truly feared that she would end up loving her career more than me.

Opening the letter, I dragged in a breath and started to read it. Out loud.

“My Dearest Paige,

You are probably wondering what in the world I was thinking when I gave you fifty percent of the house you have always loved. Well, that is part of the reason, because you love it and it is part of who you are. I’m sure you know by now that Lucas owns the other half.

I have a storage unit at 4547 Ranch Road 175, that is solely yours to do with as you please. Once my beloved passed away, I put all of her furniture in there. It was too painful to look at. The pieces were all professionally stored, and the unit is climate controlled. There are a few other things in there, as well, for you. It is all yours, Paige. Do with it as you see fit.

As for everything else, you’ll figure it out, but destiny is a funny thing. She tends to take us down some very big detours, but she eventually gets you back to where you belong.

Now, I give you this house for you to find the answers. You can’t find the answers without the key, and Lucas holds it.

Love always,


P.S. Paige, please remember to follow your heart. It is the most important rule of the game.”

Glancing back up at Paige, I said, “Game?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know if by key he means metaphorically or literally a key. And what answers is he talking about?”

I handed her the letter back and then took the key out of my pocket. “I think he means this key, which he left to me in my letter.”

Paige narrowed her eyes on it. “Looks old.”

“He said I have to find a chest, and I’ll find the answers. Hopefully it’s an updated will giving me the whole house.”

“Ha ha,” she snapped. “Lucas, how is this going to work? I’m not selling you my portion of the house.”

“I’m not selling you mine.”

She let out a sigh.

My phone buzzed, and I pulled it out to see it was Bianca calling. Perfect.

“Hey, babe.” I cringed when Paige looked away at my words. Yep. Fucking asshole.

“Okay, enough is enough, Lucas. I want to go home,” Bianca said.

I walked out of the room and into the hallway.

“Like I said before, you’re more than welcome to go back home.”

“Why do you insist on staying in this dreadful little town?”

“My family is here, and my granddad just died. I’m pretty sure my mother would be pissed if I left. I did miss my grandfather’s funeral, if you remember, because of your conveniently misplaced passport.”

She sighed, overlooking my anger. “What did you get from your granddad? That house? Are we selling it? We could put the money into this cute little house I saw on Lake Travis. We would be downsizing to only eight-thousand square feet, but I think it would feel cozy. Maybe get someone in the mood of popping the Big Question.”

“We?” I asked.


“You asked if ‘we’ were selling it. Who told you about Paige?”

The silence on the other end of the line made me realize she was talking about her and me, not me and Paige. So stupid. Why would that mean Paige? Good Lord. I’m not good at this game, and I don’t want to be.

Tags: Kelly Elliott Southern Bride Romance