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“You know how Remington likes to be in charge and tries to come off all scary?”

“I do.”

“He’s just like his father. My uncle has a big heart. He wouldn’t have raised his boys and me and my brother to be the men we are if he didn’t. Just remember that no matter what bullshit he tries to pull.”

“You know my parents are going to adore you, right?”

“That’s different. I’m…”

“They’re only going to know you as the man I fell for, the one who makes me happy, and even if you told them everything about your background, they would love you. They are truly two of the least judgmental people around. How my sister came from them, I’ll never know.”

“At least I already have her approval.”

“And that’s no easy task.”


A few hours later, most of the guests had arrived. We showed them around the house in groups and answered a lot of questions about how we’d managed all the work on our own. I reminded people that Ambrose had done the vast majority of it. I’d only been helping for a few months, and I wasn’t there every day. My work with New Life for Vets was going well. I’d been able to use resources from my days in law enforcement as well as the resources of the Theriots to assist several veterans in finding housing and jobs. I knew there was so much more I could do, and I was excited to be bringing justice to people in a different way.

I left Ambrose to refresh my drink, and when I returned to the back parlor where everyone was gathered, I found him talking with my parents.

“The work the two of you have done is amazing,” my mother said when I joined them. “I need you to come do some work on our house.”

“We’ve still got loads to do on this one, and Ambrose has truly done most of it, including all of the design.”

“And you’re just working from pictures of how the house used to look?” my dad asked.

“Pictures and stories from my uncle,” Ambrose said.

My dad smiled. “My son has certainly found a smart and creative man.”

Those weren’t usually the characteristics people saw in Ambrose, and I loved seeing his cheeks turn pink at the compliment.

“He is very impressive,” I agreed.

Ambrose bumped his shoulder into mine. “Like you’re not?”

“Of course Eric is impressive as well,” my mom said. “That’s part of what makes you a perfect couple.”

I put my arm around Ambrose and gave him a light squeeze. He turned to me, and I saw how relieved he was that my prediction had been right. My parents loved him.

I wanted a moment to talk to Lance’s boyfriend, Julian, because I’d only met him briefly. He was out in the garden talking to Corbin. As I crossed the room to the French doors, Dax and Travis’s dog raced past being chased by Tony. Hopefully, they wouldn’t tear anything up. I wanted to convince Ambrose that we also needed a dog and maybe another cat too. I doubted Tubby would mind since he was so easygoing.

Before I could open the door to step outside, Ambrose’s aunt put her hand on my arm. “Do you have a moment to come and talk with me and my husband?”

I could hardly say no, but it was the last thing I wanted to do. When they had arrived and we’d given them a tour of the house, Ambrose’s uncle had barely spoken a word to me. He simply scowled and continued to look me up and down like I wasn’t up to snuff. I knew Ambrose would still love me whether his uncle approved or not, but I would much rather have all the Theriots’ blessings.

I followed Marjorie into the kitchen where Bébe stood at the counter, making a plate from the buffet. “I found him sweetheart,” Marjorie said.

The intimidating man set down his plate and held out his hand. I grasped it firmly, and we shook. I held eye contact the whole time, knowing the last thing I wanted to do was appear weak in front of the man. He might look like a mild-mannered grandfather, but I knew his history.

“I never thought I’d be welcoming a cop into the family.”

I didn’t respond since he hadn’t asked a direct question. At least he’d use the word welcoming.

“My wife tells me I was rude earlier during the tour. The truth is, my back has been giving me more and more trouble lately, and I was uncomfortable.”

Wow. The last thing I’d expected from him was an acknowledgment of his rudeness or anything that resembled an apology and, least of all, an admission of any kind of vulnerability. “That’s understandable. The steps in this place are definitely not friendly to anyone with back trouble.”

“Just don’t tell my sons I said that. They’re constantly wanting me to see doctor after doctor. I’m fine. I’ve got some pains, but I’m still healthy as a horse in general.”

Tags: Silvia Violet The Theriot Family Romance