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“I assure you, I will not let that happen. As far as I’m concerned, you don’t need to work at all. I have plenty of money, more than I know what to do with. Your job could be helping me with the house and attending to all my needs.”

“I think that might turn out to be a bad idea for both of us. We’ll talk to Remington about New Life for Vets. That’s a really good idea.”

“I love you, and I always want to be here for you when you need me.”

“I love you too. I’d love you even more if you showered with me and then cooked me dinner if there’s something here to cook?”

“There’s some fish in the freezer.”

“Let’s get moving.”



I’d woken up early with Ambrose. Was my future going to include seeing every sunrise? I supposed I could think of worse things. While he took a walk in the bayou, I composed my resignation letter, but before I turned it in, I needed to talk to Remington about getting the right sheriff in place to take over and about the possibility of a position with New Life for Vets.

Remington lived in the middle of the French Quarter, and Ambrose—who’d once again insisted on driving—parked my truck on the next block since there were only a few spots for cars in his driveway, and it was already full.

When Remington opened the door for us, I saw everyone else was already there. I had a feeling arriving late was a tactic Ambrose always used. I was surprised to see Corbin. I didn’t think Beau would let him out of bed until he was fully recovered. The scowl on Beau’s face told me he hadn’t wanted to, but Corbin was happily entertaining Tony by making faces and mocking Tony’s chatter, and Lance was pretending to be annoyed.

Dax looked relieved to see me and Ambrose. I’m sure he’d wondered if his brother would insist on staying in the bayou, but Ambrose had actually wanted to see everyone today. I wasn’t sure if he was going to make the announcement that I was moving in with him to the whole family, or if he was just planning to tell Dax, but either way, he hadn’t complained once about the gathering.

Remington had his arm around a beautiful redhead who had to be his boyfriend, Henri. He got everyone’s attention with a loud whistle, then made sure everyone had full knowledge of what had happened to Carlotti in the bayou. We discussed a few of the consequences of the power vacuum left by the destruction of Carlotti’s network, then he said, “I heard from X’s friend at The Ranch. Our informant has arrived safely.”

That was good to hear. I still wanted more information about this ranch and the man who ran it, but I’d eventually get that from Ambrose.

When Remington finished asking questions about the operation, Ambrose moved into the center of the room. “I have a few announcements.”

He held out his hand to me, but before I could stand, the doorbell rang.

“I’ll handle it,” Henri said.

Remington looked like he was going to protest. “I’m fine. Carlotti’s gone. Things are quiet.”

“Never tempt fate like that,” Lance said, crossing himself.

Henri returned a moment later. “There’s a woman at the door. She says she’s Eric’s sister.”

I realized then how long it had been since I’d contacted Candace. My phone had spotty service out in the bayou, and I might have missed her calls. I’d been so wrapped up in Ambrose, I hadn’t even tried to check. I was in deep trouble. “Candace?”

“Yes,” Henri said. “Should I send her in?”

“How did your sister—”

“What the hell are you doing here?” My words and Remington’s collided.

Candace glared at me, then stared down each of the intimidating men in the room. “You didn’t answer my calls or mom’s, and I knew you’d taken up with some questionable individuals, so I came to find you and set you straight.”

“Too late for that.” Lance snickered.

She turned her scowl toward him, and his smile faded. Even Tony, who now sat on his shoulder, remained silent.

“I don’t know who you are, Monkey Man, but—”

Remington stepped forward and held out his hand to her. “I’m Remington Theriot, and this idiot”—he gestured toward Lance—“is my brother.”

“And this,” I said, looping my arm through Ambrose’s and pulling him to my side, “is Ambrose, my—”

“Boyfriend,” Ambrose finished, and hearing the word made my heart sing.

Candace narrowed her eyes and looked Ambrose up and down before giving a definitive nod. “He’ll do.”

“He’s amazing. He saved my life and—”

“I’m honored to have your blessing.” Ambrose executed a graceful bow.

Candace grinned. “Okay, you’ll more than do.”

She focused on me again. “So he really is the one for you? He’s not straight after all?”

“Nope,” Dax said. “And how is it that I’m his twin and didn’t even know?”

Tags: Silvia Violet The Theriot Family Romance