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My hands shook as I scrolled for his contact. I hated how incapable I was of reaching out, but the idea of making a call had me even jumpier than I already was.

Dax shocked me by answering on the first ring. “What’s wrong?”

“I think Eric is in trouble.

“You think?

“He’s on duty. He told me he’d check in, but he won’t respond when I contact him.”

“Where are you?”

“At his house. Hope is with Corbin. Don’t worry.”

“I wasn’t, but you staying with Eric is very interesting.”

“He wouldn’t go to a safe house, so I’m watching him. I should have made him stay here.”

Dax’s silence told me he agreed.

“I want to go find him, but—”

“Go. Your instincts are never wrong. Why are you questioning yourself?”

“Because I… Because… It doesn’t matter.”

“You care about him.”

“I… have to protect him.”

“Go get him, put him under lock and key, then call me back. We need to talk about this. I won’t let you lose a chance at happiness because you’re too stubborn to let your barriers down.”

“Enjoy your vacation. I shouldn’t have bothered you.”

“I’m always here for you. Always. And I’m—”

“Shit, Eric’s home phone is ringing. I’ve got to go.”

I ended the call.



I noticed the bottom step of the eerily quiet house was cracked, and I stepped over it, not wanting to make noise or have it break under my weight. I prayed the woman who’d called for help had fled to a neighbor and the home was as empty as it seemed.

“Hello? Mrs. Bergeron! Are you in here?”

No response.

“It’s Sheriff Winston, Mrs. Bergeron.”

Still nothing.

I gripped my gun in both hands and stepped inside, using the door to block my right side. There was no one in the living room, but the house was old, and the rooms were smaller than in a modern home. There were still plenty of places someone could be hiding.

I crossed the room and cleared the hall before stepping into the kitchen. No one was visible. I crossed the room to check the pantry.

The back door burst open, and a huge man jumped me before I could aim at him.

He shoved me to the floor, my head bounced against the hardwood, and I lost my grip on my weapon.

I managed to quickly struggle free of the man’s grip, but my head was spinning. The asshole grabbed my gun before I could reach it.

“Get on your feet,” he ordered, pointing the weapon at my head. I did as he said, determined to look steady and capable. I didn’t need him realizing how off-balance I felt.

“We’re going to go for a little walk.” He gestured toward the door where he’d entered. “My boss thinks you need to learn a lesson.”

“Who’s your boss?” I asked, managing to keep my voice even.

“Carlotti, but I’m sure you knew that.” He sneered at me, and I longed to punch him.

I considered pretending I didn’t know who that was, but I didn’t think that would fly. Ambrose had been right, and he was going to enjoy telling me I told you so if I ever saw him again.

Why the fuck hadn’t I stayed home and pretended to be sick. I could have gotten back in bed with Ambrose and had an amazing morning, but I’d been too damn stubborn, too determined to be a part of this and to show Ambrose I could hold my own with men like him.

“Get moving.”

I scowled at the man, then did as he said. I’d go along with him for now and wait for a chance to escape.

Carlotti’s man marched me away from the house and into the swamp beyond. Even if he didn’t kill me, I might be attacked by an alligator or another menace that lived out there. Why hadn’t I called Ambrose?

You want to help heal him, but you don’t want to be vulnerable yourself. You don’t want to admit you need him.

I’m trying to protect him too.

He’d be a hell of a lot better protected if you brought him with you.

He’s not part of law enforcement. He’s not supposed to be here.

You’ve broken that rule plenty with the Theriots.

I pushed all my competing thoughts away. I needed to watch for any chance to escape and strategize how I would get out of this, not wish I’d done things differently. I hadn’t, and I was here now. I was going to have to figure this out for myself.

“This is far enough,” the man growled.

“For what?” I asked, turning to face him.

“So no one will hear you scream.”

Fucking great. “What did you do with Mrs. Bergeron?”

“The Bergerons are out of town. Their place was convenient and easy to get into.”

“You had an accomplice call for help?”

“I did, then I sent her out of here. She doesn’t need to see any of this.”

And I didn’t need another person to worry about.

“So what happens now?” I asked.

Tags: Silvia Violet The Theriot Family Romance