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Sure, it had been years, but without Dax, I’d be less capable than I was of standing there talking to Eric. I wasn’t going to last much longer, though, especially not when he looked at me with such knowing in his eyes.

What did Eric see in me? More than I wanted him too. I was sure of that since I’d had a fucking break down in front of him. I wanted to be strong, to protect him. I needed him to believe I could do that.

“Why does it matter so much?”

I was not going to answer that question.

“And Travis? What about him? He’s your best friend’s brother. You never mentioned that.”

I did not like how much he knew about me. “No one hurts Travis, not even Dax.”

Eric grinned. “I don’t think you need to worry about that with Dax.”

“Not now. He’s… This isn’t helping. What do you know about Carlotti?” I sounded really fucking bitchy. When had I lost the ability to control my voice? “Have you seen him?” There. My tone was neutral now.

“No, but I’ve seen men who are connected to him.” He held up his hand before I could speak. “I know who they are because I’ve seen them on the news. One of them has done time for arson.”

“That’s Alonzo. He needs to die a very painful death.” I hated that Dax wasn’t there. I wanted to track down these men, turn them over to my brother, and let him go to work.

Eric sighed.

“You can’t tell me you don’t believe there are men who deserve to die.”

“I wouldn’t have agreed to your plan if I didn’t think that, but I…”

I sighed. “You’re a cop. I know, but if you want my help with this, you’re going to have to put that aside.”

“It’s my job. If I—”

“If you don’t get this man out of your parish, your friend’s grandson isn’t going to be your only casualty. He probably isn’t even now.”

“I know. That’s why I’m fucking here.”

Oh, wow. I liked the way his eyes lit up with his anger and the way his cheeks deepened in color. He was normally so calm, and that made seeing him angry all the more exciting. He was fucking gorgeous all flushed like that, and I wanted…

No. All I was going to do was kill Carlotti and end his reign of terror. Then I’d go back to hiding in the bayou, at least until the next crisis or possibly another visit with Dax, Travis, and Hope.

“I’ve been doing surveillance out by the shack where LePlatt did handoffs.”

“Who have you told about this?”

“No one. Did you not fucking listen when I said I know what I’m doing? Anyone in the department could be part of this.”

I nodded, fighting a smile. Eric Winston was damn competent. I already knew that, but it was easy to forget he’d been a city cop, that he wasn’t some useless guy with political connections who’d fallen into the job, not like the idiot deputy who wanted to replace him.

Eric glared at me. Why the fuck did I think he looked even hotter now than when he was being Mr. Nice Sheriff? If I kissed him, would the shock of it send him running?



“Tell me the rest of it,” Ambrose demanded.

I’d had it with him dismissing me. “Not until I know where I stand. I will not hand this investigation over to you.”

“It’s not an investigation. It’s a war. One we can’t win if you get in our way.”

“I want your help, but I’m taking part in this… Whatever it is.”

Ambrose sighed. “I owe you, and I’m going to help, but you’re going to have to let me do this my way, and part of that means you standing back and letting me protect you.”

I should’ve known better than to think Ambrose would agree to be partners. He was a man who preferred to work alone. I’d only needed to be in his presence two seconds to know that. He grudgingly took orders from Remington, but from what I understood, he often fought hard against him or simply disappeared. I couldn’t walk away from this, though. I was already stepping way outside the bounds of the law. I couldn’t just let the Theriots run wild in my parish.

“I intend to be part of the planning. I’m not just agreeing to you doing everything your way, but I’m not stupid enough to think a man like Carlotti is going to be taken down if we stay within the law.”

“He has to die and so do his top-level men.”

“Agreed, but I don’t want anyone to know I’m involved in this, especially not anyone in my department.”

“Fuck no. You think we want to let anyone know the Theriots are working with a sheriff? As far as we’re concerned, you don’t even exist.”

Tags: Silvia Violet The Theriot Family Romance