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She opened her mouth to respond, but he reached across the island and laid his hand atop hers and squeezed it, lacing his fingers securely through hers.

“Let it go, Angel. For me, let it go. Can you do that for me?”

He looked almost . . . vulnerable. There was a plea in his eyes that connected deep.

“Yeah, Drake. I can do that for you,” she murmured.

And in that moment, she realized exactly what the decision she’d just made meant. She should feel guilty. This wasn’t the person she’d been taught to become or the person she’d ever thought she would be, and yet she felt nothing but relief when she saw the warmth and approval in Drake’s eyes. His own relief over her not pushing him for answers he was uncomfortable giving her.

And then he got up and came around to where she sat across from him and pulled her into his arms. His lips melted over hers in the sweetest of kisses.

“So am I taking my angel to Carnegie Hall?” he asked as he pressed his lips to her brow.

She smiled. “I’d like that, Drake. And it’s for a very worthy cause.”

He smiled back and then lifted her into his arms and carried her toward the bedroom.

“In that case, I’ll make a substantial donation in your name in addition to the one my organization makes. You’ll be in great demand, Angel. You’ll have everyone vying for your attention.”

She snorted indelicately as Drake dropped her onto the bed with a small bounce.

“More like your money,” she said. “I won’t have anything to do with it.”

He covered her lips with his, kissing her long and sweet. “That’s where you’re wrong, Angel. No one can possibly be in your presence more than a few seconds without falling in love. You already have every one of my men twisted around your little finger.”

“And if there’s only one man I want twisted around my little finger?” she asked breathlessly.

His eyes gleamed as he undressed her with gentle, loving hands. “It’s probably a safe bet to say he’s already firmly wrapped around every part of you he can get his hands on.”

And then he made long, sweet love to her. Over and over into the first shades of dawn, he brought her to the heavens and she knew without a doubt that no matter what else happened from this day forward, she’d made the right decision in not pushing Drake for answers as to his business practices.

Maybe that sealed her fate and perhaps it would doom her to go down with him, but she couldn’t find it within herself to regret a single moment of her time with Drake.

He’d promised her that he would protect her with his life. That his men would protect her with their lives and that no part of his business dealings would touch her or affect her. And she believed him.

Because she loved him.


Evangeline came slowly awake and realized she was sprawled atop Drake, stark naked and weak as a kitten from all the times he’d made love to her through the night. She let out a contented sigh and his response was to rub his hand up her spine and then down her arm.

“Is my angel all right?”

She rubbed her face against his chest and thought if it were possible she’d be purring right now. “Mmm-hmm.”

His chest vibrated with his chuckle and then he tilted her head back and kissed her warmly.

“I have to get into the shower, baby. I’m late and I have an important meeting. Maddox has already called to say he’ll be over in an hour to take you shopping.”

“I love waking up to you,” she murmured.

“I’m glad, since you’re going to be doing it every single day,” he said with an affectionate tweak to her nose.

He sat up but urged her to get comfortable again in the blankets that he tucked around her. He stared down at her for a moment and to her surprise he looked uncomfortable. Then she realized he was trying to say something to her.

“What do you think about flying your parents here for Thanksgiving?” he asked in a low voice. “Would you like that? Do you think they would like that?”

She sat straight up in bed, her mouth wide open in shock. Then she launched herself at Drake, squealing with excitement the entire way. She hit him square in the chest and knocked him over. He laughingly hugged her to him as she peppered his entire face with kisses.

“Is that a yes?” he asked between her kisses.

“Oh my God, yes! Yes, yes, yes! Oh, Drake, do you mean it?”

She stared down at him, silently pleading for him to have meant it.

“I would never tease you over something I know is that important to you,” he reproached. “You miss them. I see how you light up when they call and also how sad you are when you speak of them. I have the means to bring them to visit you, and I wouldn’t be much of a man if I didn’t do everything in my power to make my woman happy.”

Tags: Maya Banks The Enforcers Erotic