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“I’ve narrowed it down to three possibilities,” he said with indifference. “I thought I’d let you select which one you’d prefer to attend.”

Evangeline reached for the ornately scripted invitations and carefully read each.

“I’ll wear a black tux, no matter which you choose, so feel free to select anything you feel would go well with what I’m wearing.”

Evangeline outlined the one that announced it was a kickoff to the holiday season at Carnegie Hall with her finger.

“I love the holidays,” she said wistfully. “What exactly is this one for?”

Drake took the invitation from her and then handed it back.

“It’s a fund-raiser for the NYPD. Proceeds will go to an organization for widows and children of police officers killed in the line of duty and also to a separate organization to benefit officers wounded in the line of duty and their families as well while they are recovering and aren’t back on active duty yet.”

She looked up at him in surprise. “Are you a contributor to these two charities?”

Her heart leapt in her throat because he was presenting her with the perfect opportunity to ask him questions she’d been wanting to ask but had been holding off. Now that the chance had landed right in her lap, she was nervous and worried over what his response would be.

He nodded indifferently. “I contribute to a number of local causes. I have an entire staff who oversee what charities I donate to. They ensure that the charities are on the up-and-up and that the funds are distributed in accordance to what is advertised.”

“Do you often go to these functions or do you usually just write a check?” she asked.

Drake looked uncomfortable for a brief moment. “I rarely attend them. I let my staff handle all requests for donations and I have an organization set up where the money comes from.”

“But I assume everyone knows you own that organization?” Evangeline persisted. “Otherwise how would they know to invite you personally instead of sending an invitation to the organization?”

She had each invitation turned up so that Drake’s name and address were visible.

He nodded.

“So why are you—we—going to one now if it’s not something you usually like to do?”

“I want the world to see you on my arm,” he said, his voice gruff with possession. “It’s only fair to warn you in advance, Angel. All eyes will be on you and me. One, I rarely make an appearance at these events, and two, I never appear with a woman on my arm. I imagine you will make quite the stir.”

Her eyes widened and her pulse accelerated.

“I don’t want you to concern yourself over the matter,” he soothed. “My men will attend with us and will encircle us at all times. No one will get through them to you. No one will speak to you unless you invite them to.”

It was the perfect opportunity. The question was on the tip of her tongue and yet she bit her lip, not wanting to ruin such a perfect, intimate evening. One in which Drake had just said that he wanted to show his claim on her to the world. Something he said he’d never done with another woman.

Was she really going to ruin something this perfect?

“Angel, what’s bothering you?” Drake asked, his gaze resting intently on her features.

She closed her eyes briefly and then licked her lips. “Is what you do so very dangerous?” she whispered. “Security was extremely tight before . . . I mean when we first met. And then now, after that . . . night . . .” She swallowed, and before losing her nerve completely she pushed ahead. “You said you did and said all those horrible things that night to protect me. Because you said it would put me in danger for anyone to know what I meant to you or that I meant anything at all. But then you changed your mind and said you wanted everyone to know about me. That it would be the best way to keep me safe. That if everyone knew how important I was to you, no one would dare try to hurt me. And yet you’ve tripled security. I can’t leave the apartment without an entire contingent of men. What is it that you do, Drake? I know you own a club and that you own an entire building in Manhattan that you selectively lease out to other businesses. You own this building, don’t you?” she asked hesitantly.

He gave a clipped nod.

“Surely that wouldn’t account for the need for the amount of security you employ. What else do you do exactly?” she asked nervously.

His gaze was full of warning when he looked at her. “Don’t ask questions you aren’t prepared to hear the answer to, Angel. You don’t need to worry about what I do or who I do business with. It will never affect you. Never touch you. All you need to focus on is pleasing me and in return I’ll spoil you and lay the world at your feet.”

Tags: Maya Banks The Enforcers Erotic