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It is not welcome here.

Alex spoke it for me, his eyes locking onto mine as he leaned forward in anticipation.

“Bannik, one of Sariel’s brothers, has fallen. He’s captured the ten remaining archangels of the realm. Each was to be guarding a different part of the human plane. They are all missing.”

Genesis’s mouth dropped open while Mason stopped cooking and turned around eyes wide with shock.

“How the hell did we miss that?” Ethan raged through clenched teeth. “It’s our job to keep the peace and some archangel’s been luring others into his keep? And creating Demon? Where have we been?”

“We can’t blame ourselves,” I said. “Even Sariel did not see it coming until it was too late. Bannik has been planning this ever since Pompeii, ever since his first taste of human blood. At the time I blamed Timber for giving out immortal blood, and now I suspect it was Bannik pulling the strings the entire time.”

“Well damn.” Ethan sighed running his hands through his long dark hair. “That’s been a few… years.”

Alex’s lips twitched. “Try a few hundred, but sure yeah just saying few sounds so much better, like we blinked and oh, look, they invented cars!”

“You—” I jabbed a finger at Alex. “—will need to visit some old family.”

Alex’s nostrils flared. “Watch me curb my enthusiasm.”

“And Mason,” I nodded toward him. “You’ll need to notify all the wolves in the district. Let them know we will need to fight… we’ve been living in peace for too long, we’ve gone soft while they’ve grown strong. We will need to teach our people once again how to draw up their swords.”

Alex raised his hands. “Don’t you mean draw up their semi-automatic weapons?”

Ethan scowled. “Bullets don’t behead.”

“If you’re a good shot they do.” Alex smirked.

“Not the point.” I sighed and tried again. “They need to know how to protect themselves.” I stood, “And we need to keep our secret from the humans at all costs.”

“It’s always such a joy.” Alex yawned. “Protecting the weak while they continue to kill off one another without any realization they’re still alive and breathing because we choose to protect them.”

I smiled as more visions of Alex’s future laid themselves out before my eyes. Maybe I would get my payback a lot sooner than I originally thought.

“One more thing,” I added, waiting until every set of eyes was on me. “You are your strongest when you’re mated.”

The room fell silent.

“I’m calling numbers for you both. You will have a human by sunset next week or so help me I’ll kill you myself.”

Mason let out a guttural howl as he fell to his knees, then got up and ran out of the room.

All eyes fell to Alex.

He was pale.

So very pale.

“Is that going to be a problem, Alex?”

“No.” He swallowed. “No, my King. It is not.”

His thoughts screamed at me.

His words and actions said otherwise—because Alex, might be a lot of things, but he was loyal. He would obey me in this.

And it would eventually be for his own g


Tags: Rachel Van Dyken The Dark Ones Saga Paranormal