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"How was your meeting?" I asked directly.

His eyebrows shot up. "Unexpected. Our boss sold the bar to some rich guy from out of town." Well, at least he didn't lie. But he certainly wasn't telling me the entire truth, either.

"Oh, yeah?" Hey, if he refused to tell me what he knew, I wasn't going to tell him what I knew. That way, we didn't have to worry each other.

Pick nodded, not meeting my gaze. "He's already hired someone else to run the place for him too."

My phone dinged, telling me I had another text. Pick let me check the message while he greeted the babies who were both chewing on toys together on the floor.

"Oh yeah," Mason added. "And he put Garrison in charge. She said if I quit, she'll fire Pick and all the other guys too."

My gut tightened and cold coated my skin. Hands shaking, I typed back, "Pick just got home." Maybe that would shut Mason up for a while, because I couldn't take any more distressing news. I needed some time to think about this.

"Okay, good," he wrote back. "He can tell you the rest."

But Pick told me nothing, which let me know he was just as terrified as I was.


We took the kids to the park for the rest of the day. Like Pick, I pretended nothing was wrong or that our happy little bubble wasn't about to pop in the loudest way possible. When we returned to the apartment, I told him I had to run an errand to the grocery story because I had a surprise for supper. Which was about as true as what he'd told me about his meeting.

I left him with both kids, and strode out to my car, the car he'd looked over so thoroughly before buying, making sure it was sound enough for me to drive. I didn't burst into tears until I'd started the engine and was on the road to the store.

My father probably knew everything about Pick by now, where he worked, what he drove, that he had no rights to Julian. If I didn't do what Bradshaw wanted, he'd find a way to get Julian taken away from Pick. He'd destroy the man I loved. I knew that for a fact. Julian would probably get thrown into foster care, and Pick's biggest fear would come true.

I knew how to stop the monster, though. As soon as I went home with him and gave him the façade of a perfect happy family so he could continue to show the public what an outstanding man he was while he kept being a depraved bastard behind the scenes, he'd leave Pick and Julian alone.

The only way to keep them together was to give my father what he wanted. The idea made my hands shake and my stomach clench. But I was going to do what I had to do.

I'd stopped crying by the time I'd reached the store, thank goodness. On autopilot, I pushed a shopping cart down the aisles, picking up the ingredients for chicken parmesan, Pick's favorite dish. Then I wheeled past the bedding section t

o browse.

Pick had detailed to me every one of his glimpses. If I was going to break my promise to him and end up leaving him the next day to go back with my father, then I could at least make one of his visions come true tonight.


We had a late supper, waiting until the kids were asleep before we ate. He put them to bed while I cooked. The meal I prepared pleased him. His eyes lit as soon as he strolled into the kitchen and saw his favorite. Shaking his head, he grinned at me as he pulled out my chair for me to sit. "You spoil me more than I deserve."

I could never spoil him enough. A hitch in my chest caused me to glance away. I could spend the rest of my life cooking him his favorite supper every night, and it still wouldn't be enough.

If only I had the rest of my life to show him that.

Too observant for his own good, he touched my chin. "Hey." His gaze softened into a confused frown as it traveled over my face. "You okay? You seem extra quiet tonight."

I nuzzled my cheek into his hand and then hugged him around the legs, resting my chin on his abs so I could look up at him. "How can you even ask that?" I murmured, smoothing my hand over his taut ass. "I'm here with you. My life is perfect."

He chuckled and leaned in to kiss my hair. "You keep touching me like that and you might get lucky tonight, woman."

"Mmm. Sounds nice. But what if I touch you here." I smoothed my fingers around to feel how hard he'd already grown.

He sucked in a breath. "Food now, or later?"

"Later," I said.

He groaned, his brown eyes swirling with need. "God, I love you."

Sweeping me off my feet, he carried me to our room, where tonight, I was going to be as loud as I could possibly be.

Tags: Linda Kage Forbidden Men Romance