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"Hmm." She blinked repeatedly, her eyes flickering out all her troubled thoughts. Ignoring him, she turned to Quinn. "Well, don't you have a pretty face? What's your name, handsome?"

When she reached out to touch Quinn's cheek, Mason slapped her hand away. "Don't touch him."

She lifted her brows, pleasure spreading across her face. "My, my, you really are jealous today. Do you know how much that turns me on?"

While the rest of us dropped our jaws in shock, Mason sniffed and spun to us, dismissing her. "Mess with her at your own risk, but be forewarned. She's a lying, manipulative, blackmailing bitch."

"Dude," Noel said, shaking his head. "I think we've already figured that out."

Mason nodded and strode from the building. Mrs. Garrison huffed as she stared after him. When she glanced at the rest of us, we all lurched away. Even Ten, who usually didn't know any better. Frowning even harder, she whirled away and marched off toward the office, breezing past Eva's father who had just waylaid one of the waitresses by catching her arm and sending her a friendly smile.

"Was it just me," Ten murmured to Noel, Quinn, and I. "Or was that meeting totally fucked up?"

I kept watching Mercer as he slid alongside the girl, whispering intimately, and dread coiled hard in my belly. Great, here was yet another reason I couldn't leave Forbidden. I didn't want any of the waitresses to get tangled in his web.

"Tansy!" I yelled, lifting my chin and beckoning her to me when she glanced over. All the waitresses knew I was their protector. They trusted me. So, when I called her away from that prick bastard, she sent me a relieved smile and deserted him, hurrying to me without question.

Glaring Mercer down, I curled my arm around Tansy's waist and lowered my mouth to her ear. "Do not trust that snake. He's a fucking rapist. Do you hear me?" She shivered and looked up at me with wide, brown eyes. When she nodded, I nodded too. "Don't ever let yourself get caught alone with him. And warn all the other girls too. I don't care what he says to any of you, no one talks to him alone. Got it?"

"Okay, Pick." She leaned up and kissed my cheek. "And thank you. I thought I felt a strange vibe from him, but I tried to ignore it."

"Don't ignore those vibes, honey. They keep you safe."

"No, you keep us safe, Pick. Ever since you saved me from that customer who followed me out to my car and Mandy from the guy who cornered her alone by the bathrooms, there's no one in this building I trust more than you. And if you say he's bad news, consider all of us waitresses forewarned."

I nodded, glad she'd spread the word. Now I just had to figure out how to keep Tinker Bell and my children safe.

Chapter 29


Mason text bombed me before Pick even made it home from his meeting. It was still strange to get an incoming message on my new phone. I wasn't at all the social butterfly I'd been back in Florida. But what my soon-to-be cousin-in-law wrote was even more bizarre.

"Your father is evil incarnate."

I snorted. That was the understatement of the century. "What has he done now?" Dread seized me. "Is Reese okay?"

"NO ONE is okay with that asshole still alive. He bought Forbidden."

I frowned, not sure what he meant. "What?"

"The bar where your boyfriend and I both work. He BOUGHT IT. HE OWNS IT. HE FUCKING OWNS US!"

Shaking my head, I stamped out a quick reply. "That makes no sense."

"You seriously didn't know? What is he planning to do to us? I don't like this."

"Of course I didn't know, you idiot. But I'll find out what he wants." Though I already knew.

"Good. Oh hey. Don't tell Reese about this yet. I don't want her to freak."

Oh, but he had no qualms about freaking me out. Thanks, buddy.

Pick walked in the front door, then. His eyes were hooded, but he sent me a warm smile. "There's my reason for getting up every morning." He swept toward me and kissed me sweetly.

If I hadn't just talked to Mason, I wouldn't have known anything was bothering him. He didn't let me in on any of his troubles, so I assumed he didn't want to worry me any more than Mason wanted to worry Reese.

Stupid boys. Sweet, caring, amazing but definitely stupid boys.

Tags: Linda Kage Forbidden Men Romance