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Right now, she’s strung so tight, and I just want her to relax.

She laughs. “I hope there is a next time.”

“There will be plenty of them. Trust me.”

A smile touches her beautiful lips, and she tucks loose strands of damp hair behind her ear. “I’d like that a lot. Tomorrow, this will be a nice tan. I usually don’t burn. But I’m making a mental note now. Sunscreen.” Tatum unlocks her iPad, then flips it around. There’s a photo of some chicken breasts surrounded by mushrooms. “I’m cooking this tonight.”

“Looks delicious,” I admit, just as my cell phone buzzes. I see it’s Tristan and excuse myself to chat.

“What’s up?” I answer, grinning.

“I should be asking you the same question,” he says in his usual serious tone.

“Whatcha mean? Everything’s going great. The updates to the house have been a total game changer. Yesterday, Tatum taught me how to do yoga.”

He snorts. “I bet that was a sight to see.”

“It’s a lot harder than I imagined. But today, I gave her a surfing lesson.”

“Really?” He sounds surprised. “And she’s not trying to escape after that?”

“Actually, no. She’s a natural and really loves the water. First woman I’ve ever met who enjoyed being taught.”

“That’s great, man. Happy to hear that. Oh, and I called for a reason.”

“You typically do,” I throw back, but I’m still smiling. I know how he is.

“I’m really concerned about your well-being. Do you have any weapons in the house?”

I pause for a second and think about it. “Only the sharp-ass kitchen knives Piper ordered.”

“That’s not enough. How would you protect yourself if you were attacked?”

I glance out at the water and chuckle. “Attacked? I’d use a few karate chops and kicks.”

Tristan doesn’t laugh. “Cute.”

“I’m not gonna get attacked. This house is a security fortress. As long as we’re here, we’re safe.”

Tristan clears his throat and sucks in a deep breath. I brace myself for whatever he’s about to say. “Yeah, well, Piper was tracked by her phone, and Tatum’s could be too. You need to be careful and stay under the radar. Don’t go in public. Stop using the internet. Go into complete and utter lockdown.”

I roll my eyes and blow him off. “I really think you’re worrying too much. If I’m not concerned, you shouldn’t be either.”

“Too late. How do you think Tatum was found in the first place? How do you think her ex tracked her to your place of business? You’re not dealing with some idiot, Easton. You need to wake up before you both get hurt. This is dangerous, and I don’t feel like you’re taking it seriously.”

I scoff. “I am. The last thing I need is you getting on a plane and trying to come act as my bodyguard.”

“Yeah, well, it didn’t help Piper that much, and I’m overqualified. You’re in the way of him getting to Tatum, so don’t you think for a second that you’re not his first target. You are.”

“Everything will be fine.”

He sighs. “I hope so, Easton. Not sure I could live with myself if it’s not.”

“Is this your way of telling me you love me?” I chuckle.

“Of course I do. You know that.”

I hear Piper yell in the background. “I love you too!”

“Okay, let’s not get too mushy around here. If things get weird, I’ll let you know. But right now, there are no issues.” I keep the weird text message Tatum received to myself because it would just set him off on another rant.

“Stay safe, Easton.”

“I will,” I say, then end the call.

I honestly expected this talk at some point. I just didn’t realize it would be so soon.

Chapter Eight



“Did ya bang him yet?” Oakley asks as soon as her face appears on the screen. Even though it isn’t Friday, she asked me to call and update her.

“Who?” I play dumb. She doesn't need to know I've thought about it more than once. Justin's and my sex life started out great but quickly went downhill. I still very much desire it, but I shouldn’t jump into anything, even if it was just a physical relationship.

“Oh, please. You can't fool me. Did you bring your vibrator?”

I roll my eyes. “Fire, remember? I lost everything.”

“Oh shit. No problem. I'll send you one. You need some action. What's the address there?”

“You better not...that would be incredibly embarrassing if he saw it.”

“It'll be in a discreet package. Doubt he’d know what it is.”

I sigh and tell her the address. “Don't you dare send me a twelve-inch monster dick either.”

“Don't worry, sis. I gotchu. Sending you my favorite one. It'll have you screaming Easton's name in thirty seconds, and bonus: it’s waterproof.”

“Lovely,” I deadpan. “Anyway...”

“Okay, ordered! It'll arrive tomorrow.”

“Great. Hopefully, Easton doesn’t find it.”

“You're thirty-seven, gorgeous, and thriving. So if he does, own that shit.”

“I think you and I have different definitions of thriving.”

Tags: Kennedy Fox Love in Isolation Romance